On 1/4/09 10:17 AM, "F.W. Hänel" <whae...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

Hi Diana,

could you please let me know whether I have to go onto the Wamug website to
post a question or can it be sent as an email ?

Have just sent a query to wamug@wamug.org.au but it was not able to be delivered.

Hi Walter

You just send an email. I don't understand why your message did not get through. Try copying the address below and pasting it into your email in case there is some hidden character in it.

"WAMUG Mailing List" <wamug@wamug.org.au>

If that does not work send me your message & I shall send it to the list.

I have sent a copy of this to the list, maybe someone will be able to help?


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