My USB 1TB one, blew the power supply and then did the same to a replacement power supply (within 30secs). I'm wondering if this is likely to be a fixable thing because can't find receipt and don't know how much stuff is on there that i no longer have elsewhere.


On 02/04/2009, at 12:16 AM, Philippe Chaperon wrote:

Dear WAMUG'ers,

Has anyone experienced problems with the Western Digital My Book-Home
Edition 750GB with 3 interfaces: FW400, USB & eSATA?

I bought one a few weeks ago and experienced problems with formatting
the disk. I eventually managed to format it as a Mac drive and was
able to transfer some data on to it. However during heavy usage, using
GraphicConverter to convert fairly large amount of photos from jpg to
tiff, the drive would suddenly disappear from the desktop. System
Profiler was not even able to see the drive, or on odd occasion would
see the drive but reported the origin as 'unknown'.

Disk Utility would not see the drive once it disappeared.

I eventually returned the drive and was given a new replacement. I
followed WD instructions in updating the firmware for OS 10.5.x,
formatted the disk and have been working with it for 2 weeks until the
same problem occurred. The only way I am able to remount the disk is
to pull the FW connector, wait a couple of minutes and plugging it
back. I did encounter the problem with the initial drive on both FW
and USB.

I run a G5 1.8Ghz dual, OS 10.5.6 with 2.5GB RAM.

Will I have to return this drive back??

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards and good night to all,

J Philippe Chaperon
Perth, Australie Occidentale

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