Hi David --

-- We had many problems with the white Belkin VOIP router, which
persisted until we changed all phone filters to Jackson C10s. Details
at end. This may not be your problem, might be worth a look, though.

Cheers -

David Noel
2009 Apr 18


From:           David Moyle <moyla...@westnet.com.au>   To:     
'WAMUG Mailing List' <wamug@wamug.org.au>
iiNet Belkin VOIP Router
Date:           Fri Apr 17 18:51


Since we are talking about this hoping someone can help me! My house
mate has an iiNet Belkin VOIP Router (white) and the wireless drops
out constantly. We've updated the firmware which was meant to resolve
the issue but it hasn't.

Does anyone experience similar issues and maybe found a resolution?


-- Users of iiNet ADSL2+ services be interested in a recently-solved
problem with recurring dropouts of the service.

-- I use an iiNet-supplied white Belkin wireless router with the
ADSL2+ sharing a line with two phones. One phone is equipped with a
Belkin ADSL2+ filter, and following some noise problems a year or so
ago I got a second Belkin filter to replace a Tandy ADSL2+ filter on
the second phone.

-- Starting a couple of months or so ago, we noticed many temporary
dropouts occurring in accessing the Internet. Symptoms were that, in
accessing a web page or downloading a web file, access by any of our
computers slowed right down or timed out. After five minutes or so,
normal access would be restored without any action on our part.

-- I contacted iiNet for advice, they suggested the problem could be
in the phone line, the router, or the phone filters. On the Belkin
router you can check the line status by entering, and checks showed that during these
dropouts the line was physically connected but not active, also our
VoiP phone connection came up as 'not succeeded'.

-- On periodically refreshing the Belkin status page, after so many
minutes it would come up with 'Connected', and service was back to
normal. Then my son noticed that dropouts seemed to occur when either
of the two standard phones had been active, incoming or outgoing.

-- I contacted iiNet Support again with this information, they
suggested replacing the phone filters with Jackson  C10 ADSL in-line
filter/splitters, obtainable from Dick Smith. I contacted various Dick
Smith branches, also the local Tandy store, all appeared to offer only
their own in-house brands and not Jackson equipment.

-- Googling the problem for Australia gave responses suggesting that
Jackson C10 filters could be got from Officeworks. I phoned their
Subiaco store, who did not carry the filters, then their Osborne Park
store, where they said they did have them. However when I drove to
Osborne Park a sales  assistant said they were out of stock. The
assistant was able to look up stocks of these Jackson C10 filters at
the 8 or 10 Perth branches of Officeworks, and found 3 stores which
had stock, with 13 listed for Morley and 3 or 4 at two other branches.

-- Drove to Morley and bought 2 of the 3 they had on available at
$27.95 each. Installing these appears to have solved the dropout
problem. This saga does highlight the point that one ADSL2+ filter may
not be as good as another, and possibly, in view of the experience
that the problem appeared to have started and grown over recent
months, that these filters might deteriorate or not cope with unseen
changes in line conditions. Maybe this information may help others
with similar problems.

David Noel
2008 May 23

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