Hi, I replied to the accounting software question but see it didn't make to the list, so trying again, apologies if came through previously.

Best acctg software IMHO is saasu.com - it is web based, significantly better than myob in my view, scalable to large companies. You can sign up for a free account and use it as long as you like for free provided you use less than 15 transactions per month. YOu can also give your bookkeeper or acct free access to the system too.

The software is developed in Australia and building a huge customer following around the world. The founder is a former Perth guy and they run a great company. Really worth the time to check out. I find it easier to use, more logical design. And whilst most of their customers are PC platform these guys develop on mac....

Hope that helps....

Best regards

Justin Davies
0414 567 638
9309 9309

Business website: www.emergination.com.au

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