Hi Bob,

I was able to retain my old landline phone number.

The phone service behaves in the same way as the old one however you get these free services (and other paid for optional services):

Calling line id blocking        
Call Forwarding Always
Call Forwarding Busy    
Call Forwarding No Answer
Call Forwarding Selective       
Call Waiting
Do Not Disturb
Voice Mail Forward voice mail to email (I now get phone messages at work!! I don't know if that is good or bad!)

I get free caller number display - I used to pay $6 per month for the service.


On 04/05/2009, at 12:07 PM, Robert Howells wrote:

On 04/05/2009, at 11:26 AM, Eugene wrote:

I've gone naked and won't return to the evil empire......

$50 per month flat. (We rarely exceed the 2 + 2 Gb cap and if we do we are shaped down to a lower but acceptable speed. You can have 8 + 8 Gb for $60 or 15 + 20 Gb for $70)
No $30 line rental
Free calls Australia wide & cheap international and mobile calls.

As a matter of interest , what are the area code and first 4 numbers of your phone number that
people use to call ?



( Obviously the number set are going to be different to the land lines , aren't they ? )

iiNet isn't 100% Mac friendly but I was able to configure the modem and set up without their help and the whole system has been stable for over a year now. I have only had to restart the Belkin modem once.


On 03/05/2009, at 5:26 PM, Dark1 wrote:

I've been trying to convince my friend to switch from telstra cause their fee's are very high. I did a comparison of the services i get from iinet with telstra. For the same speed and less available download per month telstra charge twice as much money as what I'm paying to iinet.

You should look at the iinet plans available and compare them to your telstra plan.


I was just looking at the traffic on the change to telstra. We have been on telstra for years without a glitch but we do run over the limit of 12 gig -with teenagers and updates. But we also have the landline, and phone calls to pay for. Has anyone out there actually costed the benefits of changing to iinet or westnet from Telstra. It seems that someone menttioned the benefits of free downloading of ABC and other services.
tom samson

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