I'd like to automate any or all of the following steps, but I can see nothing within the Automator library that helps. I'm a total Automator novice mind you.

* I receive many messages from a particular source to a specific mailbox. I use Apple's Mail as an email client, on latest MacOS. * Each message states a URL at the base of the message body (ie, the last thing in each of the mail messages).
* This URL takes me to a web page, which I print to a pdf file.
* The web page contains a link to download a file (usually either a Word or PDF. Although the link is amongst a sea of other information, the link is in the same position on the page each time, so I imagine it would be possible to define the position of the link by stating "after text which reads ..."

In other words, it'd be very efficient for me to be able to highlight the message in question, or place it in Automator, and then Automator finds the last URL in the message, launches the associated web page, saves that page to a pdf, locates the link to the downloadable file, downloads the file to the same folder that the web page has been saved to as a pdf.

Any Automator or AppleScript experts out there who can tell me if this is possible, or wishful thinking? I've never gone on the AppleScript learning curve - Automator seems hard enough to me and where I draw the line - so if it's difficult but possible, then I'd be willing to pay for the expertise.

Cheers, Steven

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