Hi John,

I'll put my reply back on list in case anyone else experiences your problem.

Am I correct in understanding that in your Address Book Application > Preferences that the Toolbar (Menu)
at the top of the Preferences Window does not show?
You do not see the toolbar at the top with "General", "Template","Phone" etc icons?

If this is the case try: Quit Address Book.app & Move ~/Library/ Preferences/com.apple.AddressBook.plist
to another location (desktop) and then restart Address Book.app.

If that fixes your problem you can then trash the plist file on your desktop.

Let's know how you get on please.


On 26/05/2009, at 11:31 AM, John Daniels wrote:

Sorry Ronni
I meant Address Book Prefs. I see now I am missing the top line which says "before last line" so I don't know how I can expand the window to include it. The corner or zoom doesn't do it.

On 26/05/2009, at 10:13 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi John,

We are talking about Address Book.app General Preferences not Mail General Preferences. I've attached screen shot of the window I am talking about to your email addressas It won't come to WAMUG list.

<Picture 3.png>
On 26/05/2009, at 9:55 AM, John Daniels wrote:

Hi Ronni
I'm having similar trouble but my Mail General Prefs window seems to be partly hidden. At the top I can just read "Following last name" immediately beneath the toolbar and then "Sort by", "Address format" etc beneath. It seems that there should be something more above "Following last name".. How can I reveal the rest of the window?

On 26/05/2009, at 7:14 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi Bill,

In Address Book.app > Preferences - under General, do you have "Show first Name: Before Last name" and "Sort By: Last Name" selected?


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