Hi muggers

Just to bring you up to date on my recent plea for help; my G5 iMac has been diagnosed with a logic board failure = a new imac. Gulp. So now we have a new 20 inch aluminium iMac.

That's the second G5 iMac we've totalled in less than a year. I'm an avid fan of things Mac but this seems to be taking built in obsolescence too far. Both machines were about 3 1/2 years old, both cooked the logic boards.

Only symptom...fans starting to fire up randomly; on reflection some components were obviously overheating.

Moral of the story; backup every day and expect failure if you're still running a G5 iMac.

Has anyone had success in pleading a case with Apple for some compensation?


Previous email...
Our sole remaining G5 iMac in the fleet has decided to play up.

This morning when trying to wake it up as normal the screen remained black and the fans started to roar. Held the off switch down for 5 seconds and it shut down. left it for a while, unplugged everything, switched it on. The light came on, very slightly pulsing, but no chime. Dark screen. After about a minute the fans came on again, so shut it down again. Repeated the process a couple of times.

Thinking there may be a dust build up inside I tried to get the back off, loosened the three screws, but couldn't get the back off...seems very tight and I didn't want to wriggle it too much.

Opinions sought. Is there an easy solution that I'm overlooking?


Mike Murray and Lesley Silvester
East Fremantle
Western Australia

Tel 08 9339 8078
Fax 08 9339 0519

British and Australian genealogical and historical research,
education, publishing and film-making


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