On 18/6/09 9:30 PM, "John Daniels" <jdani...@westnet.com.au> wrote:

> Hi Wamuggers
> Since installing Safari 4 I find that I cannot log on to bank sites. I
> can input account number and password but the box to click labelled
> "log on" does not appear. This applies to all banks. I can log on
> using Firefox without a problem. Java is enabled and pop up windows
> are not blocked. Anyone got any ideas?
> Cheers
> John

Hi John

Safari 4.0.1 just came out today/tonight, so try downloading the new version
and see if that makes a difference.

Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

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