Hi David,

Did you check with Telstra? When I looked at the Telstra Wireless plans the deal included a wireless mode/router with 4 ethernet ports and the USB device.



On 27/06/2009, at 9:44 PM, David Moyle wrote:

Evening all,

Hope I can get some advice for a friend.

He is currently on a Telstra Wireless Internet Plan, the device that was supplied to him was a Maxon BP3-USB.

His intention is to take it with him and use it in his laptop but also use it to provide access to the two/three computers at his house. As a solution to this we investigated a NetGear MBR624GU but unfortunately this Maxon model isn't supported. Presumely this is because it requires a computer to be 'intelligent' and connect to the network.

As a possible solution we figured we might be able to get the plan converted and a Sierra Wireless AC880U supplied as an alternative device. Telstra's basic response was he would have to break contract ($$) and then get a new contract but there was no guarantee that they could provide the Sierra as its not made or stocked any more.

The other solution Telstra said was to purchase their equivalent of the NetGear but this removes the powerless, mobility feature.

Any suggestions or thoughts?


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