Hello Yvonne

Not sure if this will work but try Zapping the PRAM. (slang for resetting the Parameter RAM)

To do this re-start and hold the Command (Apple) key + Option key + p + r. That is apple + option + p + r.

Wait for the start up chimes to sound more than twice. three times is good.

<http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1379> Also look here.

Kind regards

Greg Manzie

Glyde Gallery Conservation
Conservators, Consultants and Picture Framers
for Museums, Art Galleries and Collectors

5 Glyde Street
Mosman Park
Western Australia 6012

ABN     89 154 124 265

Phone   (08) 9383 3929
Mobile  0448 844 381
Email   gman...@bigpond.net.au

On 01/08/2009, at 4:48 PM, Yvonne Harrison wrote:

Hi all - I am not sure where to go on this one.
My MacBook 1.83G Hz Intel Core Duo running Mac OS 10.4.11 (2007 or so NoteBooks for Teachers W.A. model) starts up with only part of the log in screen showing. Funnily enough - if I put in my username and password then wait till it loads and put it to sleep - when I wake it again it will come around to showing the normal screen resolution. I am not sure if this was an issue with this model but if anyone can point me in the right direction for further information so I can develop a plan of action I would really appreciate it!
Kind regards
Yvonne Harrison
Singleton Primary School

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