On 10/08/2009, at 9:25 AM, Bill Parker wrote:

I wonder if anyone has experience with PAGES in iWork?

I am at the hair pulling stage............

Working from an empty template except for a masthead and other common details (start size about 1MB) I have a 30 page document that comes out at 7MB. I have checked every picture and graphic and I cannot account for that size. The text should not account for too much size?

I make a PDF by the export function in either Best, Better or Good modes and end up with 5.6MB. I open in Acrobat 8 Pro, re-save and can shave off a bit, but not enough. Note that Acrobat will NOT open from Pages - you get a Macintosh error msg

Can any one help? I have used the template before and achieve a 2 - 3MB PDF end result.

OS 10.5.7  MacBook pro


Hi Bill,

When you export to PDF
Best -  the resolution of images isn't scaled down.
Better - images are downsampled to 150 dpi.
Good - images are downsampled to 72 dpi.

When you export to PDF with "Good", is the file size still too large?


17" MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo
2.4 GHz / 4GB / 800MHz / 500GB
OS X 10.5.8

Hi Bill
On average a full page of text in Pages amounts to 176 kb. Multiply that by 30 and add in your header and you are close to the total mentioned above. If you put further graphics on following pages then the size goes up accordingly. The Good export reduces the file to about 40% of it original size - less if no graphics.
PDF Compress is a useful tool as well.

Hi Bill
In Pages after you have completed you document have you tried using the Reduce File Size option in the File Menu.
After reducing it then export as a pdf using the Good option.  Could help out.
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