Thanks Ronni.

This reminds me of the goggles that incorporate lcd screens. The coach can
be 50 metres away filming a rower using a video camera with a wireless
transmitter The camera transmits the image to the goggle-wearing rower who
is able to see what he or she is doing, and adjust technique accordingly. A
tad disconcerting because what the athlete sees is a slightly delayed image.



On 3/10/09 5:16 PM, "Ronda Brown" <> wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> This could be handy for your coaching.
>  <>
> <>
> <>
> For wireless waterproof speakers. I did a search on google for wireless
> waterproof speakers plenty available.
> Sent from Ronni's iPhone
> On 01/10/2009, at 9:52 PM, Michael Hawkins <
> <>
> <> > wrote:
>> Slightly different question. Are waterproof wireless speakers available? I
>> umpire rowing and one of the difficulties is that crews who are 80 metres or
>> so from the starter can not hear the word ³Go² unless megaphones are used,
>> and if megaphones are used the wind carries the sound hundreds of metres into
>> residential areas. So I¹m looking for wireless speakers that can be attached
>> to floating buoys adjacent to each of the eight lanes across the course.
>> Might be reduced to cheap Uniden 2-way radios in ziplock sandwich bags .....
>> Not at all elegant.
>> Regards,
>> Michael Hawkins.
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