Hi Justin,

I think this problem is usually when you set-up the new computer with a user
account that is not exactly the same as on the old machine ­ the folders
with the red negative file are what you see if you try and look at another
user¹s folders.

If you used migration assistant to migrate user folders then you should have
the same user accounts as the old machine ­ and so need to log into them
using the (old) usernames and passwords.

If you just use the default mac options when first setting up a new machine
then that all usually happens pretty seamlessly.

If you first set-up the new machine with a fresh owners account and then use
migration assistant to bring things (other user accounts/folders) over then
you can run into problems if you are not exactly clear how the accounts are
defined and set-up.

Personally, I have several different computers (a couple of iMacs and a
laptop) each has user accounts for both myself and my spouse. As a result I
have need to transfer the user accounts around from time to time ­ so what I
do is just set-up a fresh owner account (called computer admin or some such
thing) on each machine at first set-up and everytime I do a fresh system
install ­ these accounts just stay as admin accounts with no personal data
etc ­ then I can migrate user accounts from machine to machine as I see fit
­ the admin accounts never get migrated and so variations in the admin
account name/details are not important.

Note that this approach will not suit many people ­ you need to be careful
to keep track of what is current in any user account from machine to machine
but we each tend to use one of the iMacs as out personal computer and then
just bring the laptop up to speed for the occasional trip away ­ if we used
the laptop more often I would look to just set-up some form of user folder
synchronisation (as discussed in many WAMUG postings).

However, if you are just migrating successively from an old machine to a new
machine, you are probably best just going the simple Apple route and letting
the set-up assistant take care of everything.

If you are not sure exactly what you have done in terms of setting up new
users and migrating old ones over then, providing that all the info is still
on the old machine and you haven¹t yet started creating new data on the new
machine, you might be best just starting again ­ restore the new machine
using the disk(s) provided and then on first start-up let the initial set-up
bring everything over from the old machine.

You should repair permissions on the old machine before you start and, of
course, it goes without saying that you should have back-ups of everything
before you start!

Also, there have been many previous WAMUG postings by Ronni and other WAMUG
gurus (much more experienced and knowledgeable than myself) covering tips &
precautions covering system installations, updates, migrations etc ­ check
out the archives.



Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 28/11/09 9:41 PM, Justin Davies at m...@justindavies.com.au wrote:

> Hi, just bought a macbook and migrating everything across from my powerbook g4
> (osx 10.5.8)
> However the documents, music library - most things that were not applications
> haven't come across and the folders are showing a red negative sign (like when
> you delete a message off the iphone).
> I retried bringing just the documents across using migration assistant, and
> have now got a second group of folders the same entitled (from old mac) but
> missing most of the files.
> Any help gratefully appreciated
> Best regards
> Justin Davies
> m...@justindavies.com.au

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