On 11/01/2010, at 10:52 PM, Kim Maher wrote:
To All
Has anyone have information re the “iSlate”, as I am interested in purchasing this item. Lots of news from everyone, other than Apple, is this normal concerning new items?

Yeap... standard state of affairs in Appledom.

Apple will release information when they are ready and not a second earlier (well, when Steve Jobs is good and ready)...

Meanwhile everyone and his dog, cat, canary and goldfish will all post rumors, thoughts, opinions, criticism, and then they post even more rumors that they heard from their Aunt's neighbour second cousin's who works for a cleaning company in the building six blocks from Apple HQ in Cupertino and post it as 100% reliable news... which of course it isn't but then they have the hide to blast Apple for not producing the product THEY demanded (regardless of the fact that 90% of the buyers, which often amount to millions of people in a matter of a few days are over the moon by the REAL announcement and product specs!)

So until Apple themselves post the announcement(s) about new products, everything is hearsay and rumor... and even after the official announcements come out, you need to take some "reports" with a grain of salt.

The place to watch is Apple's own website, particularly their PR pages - http://www.apple.com/pr/ and http://www.apple.com/au/pr/

And yes, all the rumors indicate that Apple will be conducting a special Media Event on January 27th (US time, so the 28th here in AU) and there is strong speculation that a 'tablet' based system may be announced... but we'll just have to wait a few more weeks to find out for sure.

Nicholas Pyers  (nicho...@nicholaspyers.com)

          "Heaven on Earth?"
          "No, Earth on Earth.  The Just Earth!"

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