Yeah Ronni,

Another neat little trick!

Interestingly with my two iMacs sat about 1.5m apart in the same room, the
plastic-backed older 24² iMac consistently shows a transmit rate of 54 (ie
the max for my ³g² level Airport Express) whereas the new metal-backed 27²
iMac shows a lower transmission rate (has varied between 36 & 48 on a few
recent checks).

The RSSI (received signal strength indication, Reg) shows differently on
every check - changing from around ­68 to ­76 so far but, interestingly, the
RSSI for the new iMac is sometimes better, sometimes worse, than the old
iMac but the transmission rate is always lower.

At first, I thought the slower transmission rate of the new iMac was
probably down to the metal back cutting down the reception relative to the
old plastic back ­ however, if that was the case I would have also expected
to see the RSSI as consistently lower?

For what its worth, the new iMac is running 10.6.2 while the old iMac is
running 10.5.8 and I note that there is more info shown under 10.6.2 than
10.5.8, eg: Phy mode: 802.11g and the freq. (2.4GHz) after the Channel
number ­ also 10.6.2 shows Airport scanning for new networks around every 10
seconds, whereas 10.5.8 doesn¹t ­ I¹m presuming it is still scanning for new
networks, but just doesn¹t display this info under 10.5.8?


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063

on 12/1/10 1:38 PM, Reg Whitely at wrote:

> On 12/01/2010, at 1:23 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>> To verify if your MacBook is connecting to the faster "n" band:
>> Hold down the "option" key on your keyboard while you click the fan shaped
>> Airport icon at the top of your screen.
>> Look for Transmit Rate.
>>  A value of 54 indicates that the network is operating at "g" level speeds.
>> 70-80 and up indicates that you are at faster "n" speeds.
>> My MacBook Pro Transmit Rate is always around 270.
> Hey Ronni and Cloe, that's clever. I didn't know you could do that. I just
> checked my powerBook's connection to Damien's Belkin54g here in Albany. It
> says Channel 1, RSSI -73, Transmit rate 36. what does that mean?
> Reg
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