Hi Peter

As a new Mac user I have been purchasing lots of Mac books from the USA - will bring them along to the next meeting for others to browse through.

I'm really enjoying my iMac and as I learn I am constantly amazed at what this lovely machine can do.
To think I wasted 15 years on a PC!!!!

What is the date of the next meeting? Can't see it listed on the website?


Marlene Oostryck

On 20/01/2010, at 8:58 AM, Peter Hinchliffe wrote:

The WAMUG Committee had its first meeting for the year last night - and suffered the User Group Committee's version of Writer's Block!

We really struggled to come up with something interesting or challenging in the way of topics for February's General Meeting. The few ideas we did come up with were generally considered too weak to be of interes, with the obvious exception of a discussion about the outcome of Apple's January 27th event: and of course, we have no idea what that might be.

So we decided to throw it open for discussion to you, the members. All we need is a short list of topics that you are interested in. This will be shortened to three four for the night, depending on the complexity of the topics suggested.

We'll need to set a deadline for this, so we'll say next 9:00 pm next Tuesday (26th January). This will give us time to allow Pete Smith to prepare his regular meeting announcement, and give those of who are able to present the material time to research and prepare.

BTW - this offer is always open for any meeting. Some topics come up from time to time which simply present themselves, but suggestions from the WAMUG Body are always welcome.


Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 064 948
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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Marlene Oostryck
Ph: 9430 8006

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