Hi Peter,

One thing you can do is to "save as" an image format and then use an image
editor to adjust levels.

As a check, I just opened a pdf in preview and then saved as a png. I could
then open the png in both Graphic converter and iPhoto - both of which
offered me options to set levels.

I'm not very familiar with using iPhoto but I could see that the edit pane
gave access to an "Adjust" tool palette which offers many adjustments,
-   An histogram with sliders for the black, white and midrange levels
-   Exposure
-   Contrast
-   Saturation

Actually, I now see that once you save the pdf as an image, you can actually
adjust the colour and exposure within Preview, although iPhoto may offer
more options/controls.

One thing to be aware of is that the conversion to an image means that you
can no longer select text to copy and paste into other applications (all the
content has been changed into a bitmap) - so it may be worth keeping the
original pdf for that and just using the .png (or other image format) for
optimising the levels for printing.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 3/3/10 4:15 PM, Peter Curtis at pcur...@aapt.net.au wrote:

> Hi
> I've a problem with a .pdf I'm printing. Unfortunately the writing is
> extremely faint and I cannot see any way of darkening it. I've looked at all
> the options I have with the printer (Fuji Xerox C525A) and can't see any way
> of darkening the print.
> Has anyone got any suggestions?
> Have I missed some obvious solution?
> Regards
> Peter
> MacBook Pro 2.53GHz Intel Core 2 Duo running 10.6.2
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