Greetings! Who in your family or friends has the password. With the password
some one could use there computer out side your home. If I were you I would
change the password ASAP and monitor everyone who has the password or access
to it.

Cheers, Joe

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 4:41 PM, Adrian Skehan <> wrote:

> Afternoon all,
> Can anyone give a clue to the cause of monster downloads,  On one day last
> month there was a 5Gb download and again a few days ago there was a 7Gb
> download, my normal daily download  ranges from 100 Mb to 200Mb with the
> very occasional 600Mb to 900Mb.  On the day the 7Gb occurred I was sick in
> be most of the day and as a result there was very little activity all day,
>  I never watch or download movies and would balk at downloading any file
> that is anything like that size, the largest e-mail video clips don't go
> much bigger than 1.5Mb.  The only thing that has changed is the introduction
> of a new iMac in March which was set up from its predecessor via firewire.
> I am having a dispute with bigPond over it so would appreciate any
> suggestions as to what could cause such huge downloads.  The Modem is
> security (WPA) password protected, wireless connected Intel iMac and MacBook
> Pro, OS Snow Leopard  10.6.3.
> Regards,
> Adrian
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