Hi Ronni

Thanks for this info on the DNS addresses. I will forward you comments on to Trevor at Country wide so he is aware of it, as he has my non- working router, and I have the one that does work, thankfully, otherwise I would not be happy!



On 21/05/2010, at 4:27 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi Chris,

Did he try these DNS address in the NextG router. Untick 'Use automatic DNS' and add the one's for your State.
i.e. Primary DNS Server IP Address:
 Secondary DNS Server IP Address:

Put the Router IP Address as the DNS Server on your MacBook Pro

<http://bigpond.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/bigpond.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=5586&display=content >


On 21/05/2010, at 11:36 AM, Chris Burton wrote:

Hi Ronni

Thanks heaps for your link and info on this problem. I spent over 3 hours with the Telstra guy with no solution except that it appears that the earlier software version on the loan router works, but the later version on the new router does not!!
We went through all the settings outlined on the admin page as well.

The Primary and secondary DNS server addresses differ between the link and the actual admin summary page.

He is going to ask Big Pond to investigate, as it may be a common thread for other mac users.

Best regards


On 18/05/2010, at 2:36 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi Chris,

Click on the link below and then see what LAN IP Address: WAN IP Address: Default Gateway: Primary DNS Server: Secondary DNS Server:
And Link & Signal Strength.



On 18/05/2010, at 2:16 PM, Chris Burton wrote:

Hi Ronnie

I checked under Network/Advanced in the System Prefs, and under TCP/IP it shows Using DHCP for IPv4 and 'Automatically' for IPv6.

Thanks very much Ronni


On 18/05/2010, at 1:36 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi Chris,

That is a Netcomm 3G9WB isn't it?
Are you using a Static IP Address or DHCP?


On 18/05/2010, at 12:44 PM, Chris Burton wrote:

Hi muggers

Hope things are ticking along nicely for all.

I have an unusual problem it seems using the above system with a 15" MacBook Pro (OS 10.5.8 intel 2.2) at home for my online service. This link to Whirlpool about it (dated Nov 2008) I received from a very helpful manager at Telstra Countrywide in Bunbury who is as baffled as myself about the new modem/router I purchased a few months ago.


The baffling thing is that his loan router he has sent me (so I can still be online) actually does work with my mac, but the new one doesnt and we cannot understand why. The new one has exactly the same problem and the guy describes in the first post of the forum ie I can get online for about a minute before I get no connection. I have to constantly restart the modem, or go into the bigpond admin page to restart the software. The funny thing is he can use this new modem with no worries on his PC at his work in Bunbury. This is the second new modem I have had and it does the same thing.

If anyone has any experience like this I would love to hear if you have been able to find a solution.

The telstra bloke is coming around again to set it up and go through a few ideas he has after speaking with people at his work.

Many thanks for any help and advice on this problem

kind regards


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