
It's not all good though:

- They have dropped Entourage from the home and student edition - if you
want/need an MS mail client you need the more expensive Home & business
edition (which includes Outlook)

- BUT, I think the article is wrong regarding the installs numbers - whilst
the top price home and student edition does include 3 installs, the top
priced Home & business edition only covers 2 installs not 3.

- MS have changed the installs enforcement - it used to be that this was
only done on a network connection basis - you could actually install the
software on as many of your computers as you wanted, it was only when 2 or
more were connected to a network simultaneously that it checked that they
were using different licences and otherwise shut you down on a duplicated
licence. Now the have moved to an activation process - as used for Windows -
with all of the hasssle involved if you change computers and need to
re-activate the new computer/hardware set-up.



Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063

on 5/8/10 1:56 PM, Neil Houghton at wrote:

> Just saw this:
> <
> -october-20100803-114at.html>
>> Microsoft said this week it would start selling the next version of its
>> Office
>> programs for Apple's Mac computers at the end of October.
> And
>> The Home and Student edition will cost $169 to install on one computer, or
>> $209 to install on three.
>> Home and Business edition will cost $279 to install on one computer and $379
>> to install on three.
>> People who buy Office 2008 for Mac between August 1 and November 30 can
>> register to upgrade without extra charge when Office for Mac 2011 is
>> available.
> Cheers
> Neil

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