Hi Reg,

I simply drag the animated gif straight onto QT7Pro and then export it into the format I want it, eg .mov etc

I just tried it now without any problems.

Don't forget to enable loop if you want it to repeat forever.




On 04/10/2010, at 6:19 PM, Reg Whitely wrote:

Hi Wamuggers

Long time since I've asked a question. I've searched but can't find something that works.

I've downloaded an animated gif and want to convert it to movie format, .mov, mp4 or similar. It shows as separate images in Preview, but I can't convert it to a movie. How can I copy or export all the images together from Preview as separate images? I could then import them as an image sequence into QT7Pro and export as a movie. I tried Graphic Converter but it only brought in one image, ffMpegX which faked it and created a zero value movie, and Zamzar, which didn't completely understand what I was trying to do (silly chameleon!). Any tips?

Regards Reg
(Still alive after a sharky adventure!)

Reg Whitely

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