Hi Wamuggians!

I am currently in Europe & in a situation where I have to download my emails & look at them later when I am not connected to the internet. I get quite a few emails that have html (?) boxes in them and they are blank when I look at my emails without internet connection. I have "Mail/Preferences/Viewing : Display remote images in HTML messages (requires additional network access to display)" ticked, but this obviously means I have to be connected to view. Now I may be wrong here, but I believe that when I was using Eudora, I could download, view later without connection & see all these html boxes with their info & I would expect that Mail would do the same as well. Am I right & is there a way of setting this on (I can't see any other options though)?

Another issue I will have is that I am using my Macbook Air while travelling & this is the first time I have set up Mail & used it on this laptop. When I get back home, I will probably want to transfer all the emails sent & received back to my main Macbook Pro working computer. If these files have the same code as others on the Macbook Pro, will they get rejected when I copy & paste them, or will they still be accepted?

A third issue I have had was that I was not able to send emails for a long while. I was able to receive only & had to use webmail to reply, which was a pain. Highway1 told me that this was sort of usual due to something to do with the local server not accepting something or other .... Is this right - have other travellers had this problem? I am in one place now & have got their outgoing mail server address, so it is not a problem, but it was a pain for a while & it may be a problem in the future when I am moving around again.

Many thanks in advance for your assistance,


Alex Novakovic
MYOB Consultant
041 990 2440

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