On 09/11/2010, at 7:57 AM, Stephen Chape wrote:

> Me too .. any opinions folks ?
> On 08/11/2010, at 3:45 PM, Paul Weaver wrote:

Personally, I have no opinion of the product since I have never used it. Based 
on my experience with similar software which I have previously installed and 
subsequently removed in each case following a variety of unnecessary problems 
from performance hits to unnecessary messages, the singe question I ask still 
remains: what are we being protected from with this stuff?

 I know the security press is full of dire warnings of all kinds surrounding 
security on the Mac, but the reality is that as today there is still no 
self-propogating malware (viruses) in existence for Mac OS X. Yes, there are 
demonstrable exploits, but every single one of these depends on some deliberate 
behaviour on the part of the user. Even the most recent ones involving Facebook 
(and you can't even get it unless you're on Facebook) requires permission from 
the user to install. It's also true that we may, eventually, some time in the 
future, see somethings a bit more threatening, but that hasn't happened yet. 
This year is the tenth birthday of Mac OS X, and we still haven't seen any of 
this stuff emerge. Installing something like Sophos or any of its cousins now 
won't protect us from it when and if it does finally hit. The best virus 
software in the world, even on Windows, is ineffective against Zero-Day 
exploits, which is what the first true Mac OS X virus will undoubtedly be. Even 
on Windows, the best malware protection remains User Behaviour.

For me, it's still a case of Move Along...There's Nothing To See Here.

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 064 948
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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