Seasonal Greetings everyone :-)  Like Houston I have a problem and would 
welcome any help !  I have a Macbook 500 MHz PC G3 640 MB SDRAM   running MAC 
OS X 10.4.11. It has a airport card Running 9.52. I know the airport card is 
running as I can see it on My  Laptop and I can see the net work I am trying to 
join . It ( the network is running with a WEP password and a simply ludicrous 
password that a child of 8 could guess)  When I attempt to join the network It 
thinks about it  and then says "starting connection " and then says " there was 
an error joining the network XXXXXX" , Try again ?

can any one help with any suggestions immoral or otherwise?

I am trying to resurrect this laptop while my daughter decides whether to 
rejoin the darkside or leap into the 21st century or by a PC laptop:-).


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