I should have spent some more time researching. I thought all Beyonwiz PVRs 
were Wi Fi enabled. I assumed their top end model would be anyway. So I went 
right ahead today and bought the newly released Beyonwiz DP-P2 2TB PVR, only to 
find tonight, trying to set it up, that it doesn't seem to be Wi Fi enabled at 
all. Unless I'm mistaken, I need to hardwire it via ethernet to a router.

I guess I'll have to live with that mistake and think about how best to 
hardwire it to a not-easily-accessible router. The router, an Optus-branded 
Netgear wireless cable modem (CVG824G) is downstairs, the Beyonwiz is upstairs.

Maybe I've been spoiled with the Mac UI and intuitiveness, but despite all the 
good reports about Beyonwiz, its UI has an air of Windows clunkiness about it. 
A far cry from Apple TV's interface. Anyway, I'll live with that as well.

Before I go getting the house redesigned to connect the Beyonwiz to the Netgear 
router, I have a TC which I've now set up to "Join a wireless network", ie. the 
network dished out by the Netgear router. Seems to be working okay, a couple of 
Macs also on this wireless network are merrily backing up to the TC.

I've connected the Beyonwiz to the TC via ethernet. But now what? There's a 
'Windows Sharing' section in which you can put a user name and password. I've 
put in the username and password of the TC, that doesn't seem to do much. How 
can a Mac (which can see the TC wirelessly) see the Beyonwiz, and how can the 
Beyonwiz see files on my Mac or even on the TC? The Beyonwiz user manual is 
largely silent on this, and I can see nothing helpful on the Beyonwiz support 

Latest firmware on the Beyonwiz, 10.6.5 on the Macs.

Any tips appreciated.

Cheers, Steven

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