Intending to download a few of the free game apps for the kids via the App 
Store, I searched using the words ...

free games

Numerous came up, so I went clicking away, and inadvertently clicked a $12.99 
icon. Immediately realising my error, thinking that I should get some kind of 
"Are you sure you want to get slugged for $12.99?", to be safe I dived to the 
Dock and quit the pending download via right-click on the game icon. 
Downloading hadn't yet begun because other applications were downloading ahead 
of it.

To check that I hadn't been billed, I had a look at my account via iTunes. Yep, 
the charge is there.

I've sent a message to the App Store and await its response, but beware the 
stray click. I'll be making a song & dance if Apple try to play hard ball. I've 
suggested to it that it needs some kind of "Are you sure?" step, ideally with 
entry of password again at point of sale, it's simply too easy to make 
accidental purchases. Probably a pain-in-butt extra step if you really do want 
to make the purchase, but on balance I'd prefer that than Apple getting stuck 
into my credit card over a wrong click. After all, any other move which is a 
tad dangerous, such as emptying trash, has some kind of "are you sure" step, or 
is reversible. I suppose when it comes to billing credit cards, fool-proofing 
isn't good for the bottom line.

Cheers, Steven

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