Hi Ronni

I could do delete the contact from my main contacts list ... whether that also 
removes the contact from the group discussion I'm not sure. Intuitively you'd 
expect so. However it's not what I want to achieve, and plus knowing how to do 
delete someone from a discussion will be handy to know for ongoing reference. 
As it turns out, there's now another person in the group discussion who I need 
to delete, but I don't want to remove from my contact list altogether.

You can "add people" to the discussion (termed conversation by Skype) no 
problem, there's a little pop up window which you can activate, but you just 
can't delete them unless they've typed something, which then gives you this 
'kick' option. But not too good if you have to say "Ronni, can you please type 
something .... so that I can kick you out".

Hoping for a solution in the next Skype release, unless of course someone works 
it out in the meantime.

On 17/02/2011, at 2:07 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

> Hi Steven,
>>> however the problem is that the person we want to remove, it's an old Skype 
>>> name which she no longer uses, and has long since forgotten the password.
> I’m obviously missing something here ;-)
> Otherwise, why can’t you just Select the ’old’  contact in the Contacts list 
> and hit Delete?
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> On 17/02/2011, at 11:04 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:
>> Thanks Ronni. A search on some of the text reveals you probably got it for 
>> this page. It doesn't seem to solve my problem though, but I suspect it may 
>> be relevant to verbal conversations. My problem involves text based chat for 
>> a group (my fault, didn't clarify that in my original question).
>> I've now worked out that you can right click the name of someone who's 
>> contributed to the chat, and "kick" them, which seems to kick them out of 
>> that chat. However if a person is a member of the group discussion, but 
>> hasn't contributed, there doesn't seem to be a way of removing them. At the 
>> top of the Skype window for the group chat, each members name appears as a 
>> button,  but no 'kick' or other removal option appears.
>> An easy solution might be to ask the person to type something, so creating 
>> their name in the chat window, which can then be 'kicked', however the 
>> problem is that the person we want to remove, it's an old Skype name which 
>> she no longer uses, and has long since forgotten the password. I guess we'll 
>> just leave her there - I suspect it must be just a bug in the latest version 
>> of Skype.
>> We could dispense with the existing conversation altogether, and start 
>> another, but then I presume we lose all the chat history.
>> On 17/02/2011, at 11:06 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>> On 17/02/2011, at 7:59 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:
>>>> Can anyone tell me how to remove a person from a particular group 
>>>> conversation in Skype ? There is a drop down menu for each 
>>>> person which allows Call, Send Instant Message, or Show Profile. I can't 
>>>> seem to drag these people off the screen or out of the conversation. I can 
>>>> Add people to the conversation, but I just can't figure how to remove 
>>>> them. 
>>> Hi Steven,
>>> I found this in my documents folder, but unfortunately I didn’t keep the 
>>> URL where I located it from.
>>> I’ve never used the information below, so I can’t comment on it.
>>> Two ways:
>>> Way A): 
>>> 1.  You should already be focused on the conversation containing both 
>>> persons.  If you VO+left of the HTML area, you will noticed two buttons.  
>>> One button will have a menu  pertaining to one person, and the other button 
>>> will have the menu pertaining to the other. 
>>> 2.  Press the button for person A and a menu will pop up. 
>>> 3.  IF you choose, "end call" the call will be dropped for person A but 
>>> continue for you and the other person.  
>>> The person a can still be called again from the same menu or text chatted 
>>> with. 
>>> Way B) 
>>> 1.  Look just to the right of the tool bar.  You'll notice a scrol area.  
>>> Interact with this area. 
>>> 2.  Notice that you now can see the two individuals you're talking to.  VO 
>>> left or right till you come to the person upon whom you wish to have an 
>>> effect. 
>>> 3.  Now, Cease interacting with that scrol area.   
>>> 4.  IF you then look at the window you've landed in, you will notice that 
>>> it's the window pertaining to the person you wish to effect.  
>>> In this window you have control over their aspect of the conversation.  
>>> Pressing command+w should close their window and leave the rest alone. 
>>> Or: And once again, I’ve never tried this.
>>> /kick skype_id
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> 17" MacBook Pro  Intel Core i7
>>> 2.66GHz / 8GB / 1067 MHz DDR3 / 500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 7200rpm
>>> OS X 10.6.6 Snow Leopard
>>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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