On 26/03/2011, at 4:13 PM, cm wrote:

> Hi Pedro,
> In addition to what Daniel said, Silverlight is Microsofts attempt to 
> replicate Adobe Flash. It copies most of the functionality of Flash and works 
> in a similar fashion. As usual it is Microsofts attempt to enter an existing 
> market by plagiarising the market leader.
> Microsoft itself has indicated that they are moving to HTML 5, so the years 
> of Silverlight may be numbered.
> Cheers,
> Carlo

There's another aspect to Silverlight which has not been mentioned, which is 
that of DRM (Digital Rights Management, or copy-protection). I do know (because 
they say so in their FAQ) that Foxtel uses the DRM facilities in the Windows 
implementation of Silverlight to protect the content downloaded by their 
(Windows-only) desktop application, and use it as an excuse for not providing a 
Mac version (their recommended solution being to use Parallels, VM Ware, etc) 
because they say the DRM stuff is not present in the Mac version of 
Silverlight. It's just possible that Channel 9 are using the same rationale, 
just not as restrictively.

Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can shed some more light on this.

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 046 948
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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