I recently installed Onyx, Preferential Treatment, and Disk Warrior.  Are these 
utilities useful for "modern" Macs?  Any thoughts on my comments  below?

Onyx was recommended in an Apple discussion group as a plist checker.  it 
doesn't do that as an obvious option, so may have been wrongly suggested.  To 
my untutored mind Onyx just seems to wrap standard Apple iMac utilities in a 
pretty package.  Nice, particularly at $0, but not an essential tool.

Preferential Treatment was later located in a WAMUG posting as a plist checker. 
 It appears to work (all OK!).  If trustworthy it will be worth the $0 paid!  I 
had been troubled with the common WAMUG advice to "delete the preference file"  
when strange things happened with an application.  Not an elegant way to track 
a fault.

Disk Warrior may be like those regular backups - hope we never have to use it!  
  (Q1) Disk Warrior recommends a monthly preventative maintenance routine to 
rebuild the disk Directory.  Is this done by WAMUG members?   Or is it a case 
of "don't touch if its not broken"?  

(Q2) D.W. seems to run three tests - Directory, Files and Hardware.   I used 
D.W. with 2 Firewire HD and 1 USB HD connected.  Directory and Files could be 
run on any hard drive, but only the Macintosh HD was selectable for the 
Hardware test.  Is this normal?    

(Q3) I only ran D.W. tests on the USB hard drive and was left with the feeling 
"is that all there is?"   I was expecting a rigorous Read/Write hammering of 
the drive, or at least a "bad sector" test.   Is Disk Warrior value for money 
($160) or is the standard Apple Disk Utility the more appropriate tester?

Regards, Alan

Alan Smith
  iMac 21.5" Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06GHz 4M : OSX 10.6.7
  iPad2; ATV2

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