I should have added, that apart from occasional problems with the actual phone 
app (the Apple default app for making phone calls) I can't recall a problem. On 
some few occasions when the signal drops out the phone app appears to hang and 
I have resorted to rebooting the phone to clear it. Apart from this case I have 
not been required to close a background app down or reboot the phone.


On 2011-05-14, at 13:22, cm wrote:

> Hi Shayne,
> Yes, well picked up. There can always be defects / bugs in an operating 
> system (OS) design. Operating systems are the most complex pieces of software 
> there are. Some companies handle the complexity extremely well (Apple  
> building upon the Unix patrimony) and other companies make an utter mess 
> (Microsoft!).
> You may not have noticed by I deliberately took defects into account when I 
> used the weasel words, "in principle" ahead of the statement:
>>> So in principal at least, there is never any need to terminate an app 
>>> unless it has a limited form of background processing
> It is early days for iOS as yet, and I am sure this new style of memory 
> management will improve with each release.
> Cheers,
> Carlo
> On 2011-05-14, at 12:37, S Beach wrote:
>> Thanks Carlo & Ronni
>> I have heard the positive speak from apple before which is why I was a bit 
>> surprised to see the used memory going down as I closed apps.
>> Having read the info below again would it be fair to assume that the memory 
>> I saw being freed up is simply the memory used to store the "suspended 
>> state" of those apps sitting in the background in inactive memory?
>> I guess this would be the memory that would be freed up by the system as per 
>> Carlo's statement:
>> "If memory becomes short, background processes are terminated to free up 
>> memory. The are closed down in reverse order of last access, so a program 
>> you haven't used for two days, say, will be closed first. The program is 
>> given a few event cycles to save user data and then its memory is released 
>> for reuse."
>> Either way I am curious to know why Daniel's hint was necessary:
>> "But generally, the easiest way to fix it is to turn the iPad off (Hold down 
>> the power button til the "Slide to Power Off" comes up. Then side to power 
>> it off, wait a few seconds and then power it back on again.
>> That will "flush out" (or free up) the "memory".
>> Clearly it had the desired effect as per John's reply:
>> "Thanks Daniel. It solved the problem, also improved the performance as 
>> well. Is seems the ipad  can become clogged with residual stuff and slow 
>> down"
>> I guess we would be quick to blame the third party developers rather than 
>> iOS but shouldn't the system deal with this as per Carlo's comment? Should 
>> we from time to time need to follow Daniels advice?
>> I guess there is always more to it than we realise. Having a fair bit of IT 
>> experience I realise that these are really incredibly complex devices no 
>> matter how simple the developers make them for us to use.
>> I'm not being critical - just curious.
>> Regards
>> Shayne
>> On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 11:16 AM, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Just adding to Carlo’s informative response.
>> How Mobile Multitasking Works
>> The major new feature of Apple’s latest mobile operating system, iOS 4, is 
>> multitasking.
>> How you use it:
>> When you press the Home button twice, Apple’s iOS 4 displays a “drawer” 
>> allowing you to switch between apps. The drawer shows your most recently 
>> used apps. This is similar to the “alt-tab” functionality we’re accustomed 
>> to on traditional PCs.
>> What’s going on:
>> When you leave an app in iOS 4, it’s not actually closing (unlike previous 
>> versions of the OS). Instead, it’s going into frozen, suspended animation, 
>> sitting inertly in the background. So when you relaunch an app, it opens 
>> instantly to pick up from where it left off before you “closed” it. That 
>> behaviour allows you to switch between apps very quickly — a feature called 
>> Fast App Switching, which is the core functionality of Apple’s iOS 
>> multitasking. (TidBITS has an excellent in-depth explanation of Fast App 
>> Switching.)
>> Fast App Switching isn’t all iOS 4 multitasking does, as there are a few 
>> exceptions for specific types of apps. Apple allows apps that play audio, 
>> connect with voice-over-IP or use location detection to run quietly in the 
>> background while one thread is still active. So that’s why, for example, you 
>> can leave the Pandora app, and the music will still be playing in the 
>> background while you check your e-mail. Likewise, you can leave Skype while 
>> on a VoIP call, and you won’t hang up on your buddy while you’re browsing 
>> Safari, for example. Third, you can leave a mapping app or a fitness tracker 
>> like RunKeeper and come back to it, and it’ll still have a lock on your 
>> location.
>> It’s up to third-party app developers, of course, to tell their apps to 
>> behave this way with the new iOS 4 software development kit.
>> Another sort of background activity iOS supports is push notifications, 
>> which keeps a specific internet port active while the iPhone is in 
>> hibernation, so you can receive e-mails, instant messages and alerts even 
>> when the screen is off. These alerts pop up on the screen in the same way as 
>> SMS on the iPhone.
>> WIRED Fast App Switching is indeed fast and stylish, avoids draining 
>> battery. All apps are constantly running inertly, so you can quickly switch 
>> between them all.
>> TIRED Only allows a single application thread to continue running; only 
>> certain kinds of activities are allowed to run in the background. Push 
>> notifications scream for your attention at the centre of the screen.
>> Multitasking in iOS4 is not like multitasking in OS X. All applications are 
>> not running at the same time. Only the active application in use is running. 
>> Any other applications on the multitask list are made inactive until you 
>> switch to one of them. It’s called cooperative multitasking. This is not the 
>> same as pre-emptive multitasking that is used in OS X. In this form of 
>> multitasking open applications can switch between active and inactive status 
>> automatically as needed and applications can run in the background.
>> Because the iPhone and iPod Touches hold everything in memory multitasking 
>> does not demand much more power. 
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> On 12/05/2011, at 10:56 AM, cm wrote:
>>> Hi Shayne,
>>> Thanks for drawing our attention to the Activity Monitor Touch app. I will 
>>> get myself a copy. I do wonder, however, how HandyPadSoft can get away with 
>>> copying the Apple icon for Activity Monitor.
>>> I did notice in a few emails what could be misconceptions about background 
>>> apps on the iPhone and the iPad. Apart from a few exceptions noted below, 
>>> there is no penalty at all for having an app in the background. The Apple 
>>> engineers, as often they are, were very clever when they introduced 
>>> background apps to iOS. They in fact created a new paradigm to ensure that 
>>> while an app is available for immediate switching it is rarely using 
>>> resources. This ensures that the battery life of the iOS device will not be 
>>> negatively impacted and that memory will be freed up when required.
>>> Here is how it works. When an app goes into the background when say the 
>>> user presses the Home button or switches to a different app, execution for 
>>> the app is suspended. The app is given a few event cycles to save any data 
>>> and record any user choices. There is a framework where the app can be 
>>> given limited, intermittent processing time but these are exceptions that 
>>> must be programmed using specific frameworks. The examples of apps that 
>>> continue with limited processing time in the background are those that 
>>> require location service - such as GPS turn-by-tun applications, those that 
>>> play music such as the iPod app, or those that say accept incoming phone 
>>> calls like Skype does. Of these, only the location service, if it is poorly 
>>> programmed, is a real problem. The newly introduced in iOS 3 (I think it 
>>> was) Push Notification, also means that a program can remain suspended 
>>> until there is work for it to do.
>>> If memory becomes short, background processes are terminated to free up 
>>> memory. The are closed down in reverse order of last access, so a program 
>>> you haven't used for two days, say, will be closed first. The program is 
>>> given a few event cycles to save user data and then its memory is released 
>>> for reuse.
>>> So in principal at least, there is never any need to terminate an app 
>>> unless it has a limited form of background processing. The types of 
>>> background processing allowed are limited to few special cases. For most 
>>> apps there is no penalty at all for running in the background. A few poorly 
>>> programmed location apps can be a problem, but bad reviews will often tell 
>>> you which ones these are.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Carlo
>>> On 2011-05-12, at 10:19, S Beach wrote:
>>>> Now seems an appropriate time to mention this...
>>>> I got this monitor app for my iphone a while back 
>>>> http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/activity-monitor-touch/id385619152?mt=8
>>>> at the time it was free on a promo but now $2.49
>>>> I ran it the other day and noticed that a lot of the memory was used up. I 
>>>> then double clicked the home button to see the apps running in the 
>>>> background - and there was quite a few. So I started closing them one by 
>>>> one and watching the memory usage bar go down. Interesting exercise. Once 
>>>> I had closed all the apps there was a lot more memory available 
>>>> (Surprise!).
>>>> Of course there's no way of knowing how much resources the monitor app is 
>>>> using - so I closed that when I had finished too. 
>>>> (Note that this will not change the amount of storage memory used by all 
>>>> your songs, videos, photos etc; just the system memory.)
>>>> So it is clear that it is well worth regularly checking what apps are 
>>>> running and closing any that are not needed.
>>>> Doing this once or twice a day (for example - choose your own time period) 
>>>> would free up memory & help to keep things running smoothly and likely 
>>>> improve the battery life as well.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Shayne
>>>> On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 7:32 AM, John Hatch <j...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Daniel. It solved the problem, also improved the performance as 
>>>> well. Is seems the ipad  can become clogged with residual stuff and slow 
>>>> down
>>>> Much appreciated
>>>> For others the app was Autocadws - quite impressive app also "photo sort" 
>>>> app
>>>> Cheers
>>>> John
>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>> On 12/05/2011, at 2:16 AM, Daniel Kerr <wa...@macwizardry.com.au> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > Not really an easy way to "see" what memory is used or free.
>>>> > But generally, the easiest way to fix it is to turn the iPad off (Hold 
>>>> > down
>>>> > the power button til the "Slide to Power Off" comes up.
>>>> > Then side to power it off, wait a few seconds and then power it back on
>>>> > again.
>>>> > That will "flush out" (or free up) the "memory".
>>>> >
>>>> > Kind regards
>>>> > Daniel
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > On 12/5/11 2:13 AM, "John Hatch" <j...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Does anybody know how much memory is on the ipad? Have an app that say 
>>>> >> not
>>>> >> enough memory. How can you check to see what apps are running?
>>>> >>
>>>> >> John
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Sent from my iPad
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