Hi Ronni

Am syncing with iTunes and am also using MobileMe

In iTunes>Info>Other>Syn Notes I've selected Syn Notes.

Have selected all the other options in Info but only get duplicates of Notes. Have not selected any in Advanced.

If I turn Syn Notes off then will I only get one copy of the notes on my iPhone?

Stuart Breden
PO Box 132
Kalamunda WA 6926
Ph: (08) 9257 1577
Mbl: 0417 053 266

On 06/06/2011, at 11:24 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi Stuart,

Not sure how ou have for syncing setup on all your devices (iPhone / iPad / iMac).
Are all devices set to sync via MobileMe?

It does sounds like you might be syncing via iTunes AND MobileMe.

If you are syncing via MobileMe check in iTunes that you have syncing OFF


On 06/06/2011, at 10:40 AM, Stuart Breden wrote:

On a slightly different vein.

I use Notes quite a bit on my iPhone.

When I synchronise my iPhone with my home G5 iMac, the notes are uploaded to MOBILEME IMAP but then I get duplicate notes back onto my iPhone. Very annoying as I am continuing deleting them.

Can't find how to fix this. Can't find anything in the iPhone Settings or the Preferences in Mail. Suggestions?

Stuart Breden
PO Box 132
Kalamunda WA 6926
Ph: (08) 9257 1577
Mbl: 0417 053 266

On 27/05/2011, at 4:00 PM, Winters John wrote:

Like Gary, I have experience this problem also.

I had received the upgrade notices from apple, but saw that the system requirements precluded some of the old lampstand imacs in my office that sync to my calendars from using the upgrade as they are still back on 10.4 and can't advance because of the need to support classic mode. It wasn't until after the changeover date that I realised that not upgrading messed with my main mac (MBP), so I've decided to abandon the old imacs for sync purposes, but once I'd upgraded, I too had the duplicate calendar thing going on. The link that Ronni kindly provided did solve the issue after a bit of manual transferring of events from one calendar to the other. Apple doesn't give the option to lag behind!


On 25/05/2011, at 10:58 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Why interesting Gary?
Apple always notify and give instructions how to upgrade correctly.
And give ’Troubleshooting’ advice & 'known issues’.

You were ’supposed’ to upgrade to the new calendar BEFORE 11 May 2011.

"After May 11, 2011, if you have not upgraded to the MobileMe Calendar service, your calendars will no longer automatically sync between your devices and you will be unable to access your calendars at me.com."

In mid-October 2010, Apple rolled out the new and revised MobileMe Calendar application. "You must complete a few easy steps to switch to the new Calendar— it’s not automatic. Sign in to the MobileMe Web site, go to the Calendar application, and click the Upgrade Now link in the lower-left
Then follow Apple’s onscreen instructions.”

Apple provides a helpful FAQ about the new and improved Calendar at <http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4037>.


17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD

OS X 10.6.7 Snow Leopard
Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

On 25/05/2011, at 9:01 AM, gary dorn wrote:

Hi Gary,

Resolving Duplicate Calendars in iCal with the MobileMe Calendar

<<http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3505>http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3505 >

Interesting that they have recognised this feature.



Sent from Ronni's iPad

On 24/05/2011, at 11:08 PM, gary dorn <<mailto:garyd...@ausconnect.net >garyd...@ausconnect.net> wrote:

as per Apple's insistence, I've upgraded my mobile Me iCal service the other day, but now I have duplicates events on my iCal - ie 2 of everything as the are identical

under iCla>preferences>accounts, there is now two accounts labelled .mac and .me I understand that Apple with mobile me has moved to <http://me.com >me.com, but I still use my @mac.com for by business email address

which account I ought to delete so I have only one instance of any calender event

PS I archived my iCal before I "upgraded" the other day

thanks for any advise on this

gary dorn
north perth

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