Looks like this “Fake” email is generated from Russia.

The attachment is a ZIP folder named: Invitation_Card_83839.zip

Do not open it, it contains a trojan!!! 

ESET AV shows it as; 
ZIP » Invitation_Card.exe - a variant of Win32/Kryptik.PIT trojan. 


On 23/06/2011, at 8:20 AM, Peter Hinchliffe wrote:

> This is just the sort of thing to be careful of, and one which plagues the 
> Windows world on a daily basis. No doubt others on this list have received 
> this message as well. I have deliberately removed the attachment for the 
> purposes of posting of course, but opening that "invitation card" could spell 
> disaster on a Windows computer. It is almost certainly malware. Now that we 
> are seeing threats such as MacDefender beginning to appear, the time for 
> complacency is over. 
> Despite the lack of malware on the Mac platform, opening attachments such as 
> this is always unwise, and good security is more a question of discipline 
> than anything else. 
> Remember, the best anti-virus software in the world cannot protect you from 
> your own behaviour. Just delete messages like this, and curb your curiosity. 
> If you want to see something really interesting, click and drag over the area 
> of the message between "appreciate it." and <attachment deleted>. Just a 
> simple example of how nasties can be hidden in messages without you realising 
> it.
> ------------------------------------------
> Good afternoon.
> McDonalds invites you to The Free Supper Day which will take place on 28 
> June, 2011, in every cafe of ours.
> Free Day’s menu!
> - Filet-O-Fish 
> - Chicken McNuggets 
> - Side Salad 
> - Apple Dippers 
> - McCafe Strawberry Banana Smoothie 
> Print the invitation card attached to the letter and show it at the cash desk 
> of any of our restaurants. 
> Every manager will gladly take your card and issue you a tasty dish of Free 
> Day.
> And remember! Free Day is whole five free dishes! 
> Thank you for your credence. 
> We really appreciate it. 
> Without a tear, without a groan, She laid it near a mighty stone, Which some 
> rude swain had haply cast Thither in sport, long ages past, And Time with 
> mosses had oerlaid, And fenced with many a tall grassblade, And all about bid 
> roses bloom And violets shed their soft perfume.There, in its cool and quiet 
> bed, She set her burden down and fled: Nor flung, all eager to escape, One 
> glance upon the perfect shape That lay, still warm and fresh and fair, But 
> motionless and soundless there. No human eye had markd her pass Across the 
> linden-shadowd grass Ere yet the minster clock chimed seve./+n: Only the 
> innocent birds of heaven - The magpie, and the rook whose nest Swings as the 
> elmtree waves his crest - And the lithe cricket, and the hoar And huge-limbd 
> hound that guards the door, Lookd on when, as a summer wind That, passing, 
> leaves no trace behind, All unapparelld, barefoot all, She ran to that old 
> ruind wall, To leave upon the chill dank earth (Fo r ah! 
> <Attachment deleted>
> ------------------------------------------
> Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
> FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
> Perth, Western Australia
> Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 046 948
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.
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