Not sure what happened to that 6.05pm one, cause the sent time on my email
was 2.59pm .... Lol. Maybe it took the long way home? :o)
(But thanks for letting me know it was there. I only got one).

Will let you know how the Bootable disc goes. *If* it comes out tomorrow
some stage I'll give it a go tomorrow night and see what happens.
It definitely won't be being installed on my main machine (MacBooK Pro) as I
need that for work on Friday. Can't imagine being out somewhere and having
to say "oh sorry, can't do that as this doesn't work in Lion I've just found
out". Yeh, great consulting work that would be! Bye bye sole income to live
on! Lol.
It will be the Mac Pro that it gets installed on, on it's own drive. And the
a bootable drive I've made. Well, once I fix the little "set up error" I did
on it with the wrong format. Back to the drawing board on that one,

But will let you know how it goes.
Gave me an idea though,...but I'll think I'll wait for a bit with that one


Kind regards

On 20/7/11 6:49 PM, "Pedro" <> wrote:

> Yes your email came thru twice (6:05PM & 6:41PM)
> Let me know how you get on with the "Bootable Lion Disc" as with 3 mac in the
> house and dial-up like speeds I won't be in a hurry
> to down load it.  Will wait until all the bugs are sorted me thinks
> Pedro
> On 20/07/2011, at 6:40 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:
>> Yes, I think that's more to do with "new MacBook Airs" and LED monitors
>> (perhaps) ,...according to the rumour sites then I would think with Lion.
>> (Though I'm sure they're updating the images to show Lion on the "Screens"
>> as well....
>> But yes,..I think they're getting it ready "behind the scenes" to flick it
>> over tomorrow.
>> Though would expect the Mac App Store (MAS) to go down.
>> I think they should each so, it's easier to type.
>> MAS - Mac App Store
>> ITAS - iTunes App Store
>> :o)
>> Now isn't that a lot easier,...
>> And the weird thing was, post was from about 3pm today yet never
>> arrived...
>> Not sure if that was my email or WAMUG mail being "a bit silly" ;O)
>> And yeh, noticed the store was down earlier. Was trying to look something up
>> to configure a quote I'm doing.
>> Makes it fun when you have to use the online store to try and work out quote
>> for sourcing equipment,
>> Oh well, back to the drawing board. I'll just the other emails while I wait
>> for it come back up,..
>> Fun fun. My partition is all ready to go for Lion. And my "burn to CD"
>> tutorial is ready to follow to make my "Bootable Lion DVD" (or image).
>> Enjoy
>> Kind regards
>> Daniel
>> On 20/7/11 6:31 PM, "Pedro" <> wrote:
>>> sooner than you might think Daniel,  the Apple store is down .....
>>> Pedro
>>> On 20/07/2011, at 6:04 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:
>>>> Hi All
>>>> Apparently Lion is meant to hit the Mac Store some time tomorrow.
>>>> omorrow/>
>>>> So, if you want to do anything internet related, it today or
>>>> Friday,...just incase the internet "dies" tomorrow with everyone
>>>> downloading
>>>> it,
>>>> Enjoy!
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Daniel
>>>> ---
>>>> Daniel Kerr
>>>> MacWizardry
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>> Daniel Kerr
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Daniel Kerr

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