Hi Carlo,

No, that might be the case for songs - podcasts seem to be different. The
problem was, as  I suspected, missing metadata - or as I now find it is
called "extended tags" which iTunes doesn't let you access/change.

Google lead me to this <http://markbowers.org/home/itunes-podcast-fix>
though I didn't need his solution - further down the comments I found:

> There is another way to get your downloaded MP3s into your podcasts folder,
> though it is a hassle to add more than one or two. Download a good tag editor
> (such as mp3tag - www.mp3tag.de/en/) which can view extended tags. Add the
> ITUNESPODCASTURL With the following values (respectively): 1 [whatever you
> want to show up as the episode name] [the url for the episode] [the url used
> to subscribe to the podcast] Then drag your new files to itunes and they
> should be added correctly.

I had no joy in finding a suitably powerful OSX tag editor - so I had to
resort to the darkside and use the suggested mp3tag running under parallels.

I worked with copies of the problematic podcast and one of the good ones and
used the program to examine the extended tags for both - then just generated
all the missing tags - using the good file as a model.

After that, back to iTunes, delete the problem podcast and add the modified
copy & Voila iTunes puts it in the existing series, in the right order
(based on the release date info I put in) with all the right info.

So... An interesting learning experience - it worked perfectly - but I would
not want to have to do it for many files!!

A bit of a pity that I had to resort to windoze - but I couldn't find an OSX
equivalent - plenty that let you mess with the ordinary tags but none that
gets into the extended tags.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 29/7/11 4:25 PM, cm at cm200...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi Neil,
> I believe I was at the same point as you when I resorted to deleting the songs
> (in your case podcasts) from iTunes and adding them back. It sounds dramatic
> but it is quite easy to do and in my case it worked.
> Cheers,
> Carlo
> On 2011-07-29, at 15:58, Neil Houghton wrote:
>> Hi Carlo,
>> I checked out the link but basically this covers where the separation occurs
>> because of differences in metadata, eg artis, or album etc - I've already
>> sorted out all the readily visible metadata.
>> I think this is something to do with how iTunes tracks podcasts specifically
>> - there is other info that is not readily visible.
>> Cheers
>> Neil
>> -- 
>> Neil R. Houghton
>> Albany, Western Australia
>> Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
>> Email: n...@possumology.com
>> on 29/7/11 3:37 PM, cm at cm200...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hi Neil,
>>> I have had this happen to me also but in my case it was with a music album.
>>> There may be a more elegant way to do it but in the end I deleted the songs
>>> from iTunes without deleting the media itself and then added the songs back
>>> to
>>> the iTunes Library using the menu item "File => Add to Library..."
>>> For a less destructive solution, here is an Apple Knowledge Base article on
>>> that very subject.
>>> http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1468
>>> Cheers,
>>> Carlo
>>> On 2011-07-29, at 15:13, Neil Houghton wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm hoping one of the iTunes gurus might be able to help me here.
>>>> I was thinking of stretching the grey matter by trying out some of the
>>>> podcast language learning series. One of the ones I picked was "Coffee
>>>> Break
>>>> Spanish"
>>>> I subscribed with no problem and used "get all" to download all the
>>>> episodes
>>>> - the only problem was that episode 1 was missing - when I checked in the
>>>> iTunes store, there were 100 episodes listed but, sure enough, episode 1
>>>> was
>>>> not listed.
>>>> I decided to check on their website and soon found episode 1:
>>>> <http://radiolingua.com/2008/10/lesson-01-coffee-break-spanish/>
>>>> It was then easy to download the mp3 and import it into itunes.
>>>> First off it showed up as music and missing the episode description.
>>>> That was no problem - using "get info" on the track, I changed the media
>>>> kind to "podcast" and copied the description from the website and pasted
>>>> into the "description: page on the "video" tab (I know it's not a video -
>>>> but that was where it was on the other podcasts)
>>>> It was now showing up OK in podcasts but not with the rest of the series -
>>>> the "Album title" was different - so I changed that to match - but it still
>>>> hasn't integrated them.
>>>> I have checked in the finder and iTunes has filed it in the same album
>>>> folder as the rest of the podcast series and I have checked all the
>>>> metadata
>>>> that the "get info" reveals is all corresponding.
>>>> When I look in iTunes, against podcasts, there are two series both called
>>>> "Coffee Break Spanish":
>>>> One just contains the imported Episode 1
>>>> The other contains all the ones directly imported via iTunes.
>>>> There is obviously some more hidden metadata that is not accessible through
>>>> iTunes "get info" as the main series has a release date and a series
>>>> description - whereas the other (one episode) series does not.
>>>> Also the subscribed podcasts have the "i" icon which brings up more info-
>>>> wheresas the odd episode does not.
>>>> Any clues as to how I fix this? I mean the odd podcast is working fine and
>>>> showing up fine - except it has been isolated into it's own series rather
>>>> than being listed with all the other episodes - which is a real pain!
>>>> TIA
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Neil
>>>> -- 
>>>> Neil R. Houghton
>>>> Albany, Western Australia
>>>> Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
>>>> Email: n...@possumology.com

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