Hi Lloyd,

4GB RAM … I would be at least doubling the memory.
The minimum requirements to just install Lion is 2GB RAM,  but experts 
recommend at least 8GB.
Once you factor in everything you’ll be doing with Lion, like watching videos, 
organising photos and music, web browsing, and so much more. 
Lion incorporates a lot of 'instant load' and apps always running, it needs a 
lot of memory.

With Lion:
- 2010 MacBook Air with 4GB: - Safari Web Content = 98% of 1 core &  650-950MB 
memory hog
- 2010 iMac with 16GB: -             Safari Web Content = 4% of 1 core and 
300MB (stable) memory usage

I read this information on Apple Discussions when Lion was first released:
People with Macs which have 4GBs of RAM are asking, "Why is my Mac so slow 
under Lion, when it worked fine with Snow Leopard?"
I have suggestions for you if you are considering upgrading to Lion, no matter 
how much RAM you have, but especially if you have 4GBs or less.  Lion uses more 
RAM, and this may hurt your performance after the move to Lion.  You need to 
plan for this
        • Check Activity Monitor for Page Outs after you have been using your 
Mac normally for some hours.  
           If Page Outs are zero or very close to zero, then you'll probably be 
happy with Lion
        • If Page Outs are not zero, identify your most commonly used apps 
which are significant consumers of RAM, and change them so that     they run in 
32 bit mode, not 64 bits, then reboot
        • Again, check Activity Monitor for Page Outs after you have been using 
your Mac normally for some hours.  If Page Outs are zero or very close to zero, 
then you'll probably be happy with Lion
        • If you are still getting Page Outs, then try running fewer apps 
concurrently, but only if you can live with this compromise
        • If you still haven't reduced Page Outs to almost zero, then either 
stay with Snow Leopard, or upgrade your RAM
/End Quote:

My advice is always to have more RAM than you need.

Here there is a good explanation of how the new memory management works in 
Ars itself shows it as a potential memory leak and it may explain where some of 
the memory goes. 
At least in Safari that keeps growing.
The full review is very interesting but it is 19 pages long!! Still very good 
for references. 
You may check the first page, it has an index as well.
Mac OS X 10.7 Lion: the Ars Technica review


17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD

OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard 
OS X 10.7 Lion
Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

On 23/08/2011, at 1:42 PM, Lloyd White wrote:

> Hi Ronnie,
> I have an iMac, 3.06 Ghz, Core 2 Duo
> 4 GB  800 Mhz SDRAM
> (whatever that all means! )
> Lloyd
>> Hi Lloyd,
>> How much RAM do you have installed in your iMac? Also ‘Free' space on your 
>> Hard Drive?
>> You might just have too much happening as it wakes from sleep for your 
>> processor to handle, so it freezes.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
>> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
>> OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard 
>> OS X 10.7 Lion
>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
>> On 23/08/2011, at 11:40 AM, Lloyd White wrote:
>>> Update,
>>> Since resetting the PRAM (and trashing the desktop plist) I have had only 
>>> one freeze – good news.
>>> However I have modified my behaviour a bit as well. When waking it from 
>>> Sleep, I wait a few more moments before doing anything. It seems to take a 
>>> little time to do other things, like backing up time machine, when it wakes.
>>> Also I have turned of Earth Desk because it also likes to immediately catch 
>>> up, just when TimeMachine is running and I am checking on new emails. I 
>>> think this may all be a bit too much and it causes a freeze. Just a thought.
>>> Also my experience with Lion is that there is a definite time lag between 
>>> clicking on an icon and a program starting up.
>>> Lloyd 
>>>> Hi Lloyd,
>>>> Have you installed the Lion update 10.7.1? Some people have found the 
>>>> update has corrected 'wake from sleep' freezes.
>>>> I don't think the problem is your desktop preference file, as it is only 
>>>> happening after 'wake from sleep'.
>>>> Have you tried 
>>>> Resetting PRAM and NVRAM
>>>> Shut down the computer.
>>>> Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R.      
>>>>                                           You will need to hold these keys 
>>>> down simultaneously in step 4.
>>>> Turn on the computer.
>>>> Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys.                                
>>>>                                                         You must press 
>>>> this key combination before the gray screen appears.
>>>> Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup 
>>>> sound for the second time.
>>>> Release the keys.
>>>> Your computer's PRAM and the NVRAM are reset to the default values. The 
>>>> clock settings may be reset to a default date on some models.
>>>> If you want to locate the desktop plist file.
>>>> Open Finder > Go Menu > Go to Folder then type ~/library
>>>> Once in Library open Preferences folder, scroll down until you locate 
>>>> com.apple.desktop.plist and then drag that file to your desktop.
>>>> If it doesn't solve your problem (as I expect it won't) you can put it 
>>>> back.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ronni.
>>>> Sent from Ronni's iPad
>>>> On 18/08/2011, at 8:19 PM, Lloyd White <lloydwh...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone.
>>>>> Since upgrading to Lion I am getting freezes when awaking from sleep. (My 
>>>>> iMac, not me). I have tuned off everything, such as EarthDesk, etc before 
>>>>> letting it sleep but it still freezes when trying to open any application 
>>>>> after waking it. The Finder seems to freeze. I looked for the desktop 
>>>>> plist, to trash it,  but could not find it.
>>>>> I have booted into Recovery and fixed permissions etc but still no joy.
>>>>> Am I alone in this?
>>>>> Any ideas would be appreciated.
>>>>> Lloyd 

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