Very well said below so I thought I would post.


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Begin forwarded message:

> From: Seth Godin <>
> Date: 25 August 2011 6:16:46 PM AWST
> To: Nathalie COLLINS <>
> Subject: Seth's Blog : A little empty
> Reply-To: Seth Godin <>

> A little empty
> I guess this is how a sports fan felt when Joe DiMaggio retired.
> Business didn't used to be personal. Now it is.
> Computers didn't used to make us smile. Now they do.
> We didn't used to care about whether a CEO made one decision or another, or 
> whether or not he was healthy. I do now.
> Sure, there was baseball after joltin Joe stopped playing. But it was never 
> quite the same.
> Thank you, Steve, for giving us all something to talk about and a way to talk 
> about it with beauty (and fonts). We owe you more than we can say.
> • Email to a friend •
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