
I'm looking for some confirmation of what I think is the problem for me. A 
forum I participate in will not accept postings I make with text I have pasted 
into the thread. 

The scenario.
I am one of those curious characters who use fish and chip shop oil to power my 
Landcruiser - let's not get distracted by that red herring....
I participate in a forum www.biofuelsforum.com and have moderator access, not 
owner level.
The forum uses vBulletin® Version 3.8.4
The forum owner knows this is out of date, and is working towards updating it 
to the current version. Not sure what that is.

When I have something long to post to a thread, perhaps including links, or 
references to other material, I will compile it outside the forum, using Text 
Wrangler, or Word and paste it into the thread I have opened in the forum. I 
will always run the text through TextWrangler - by pasting it, then copying it 
back to the clipboard, to ensure no artefacts are left from the original word 
processor which might upset the forum software. 

When I Post this material to the forum, I get no response, the forum doesn't 
So I do it again a couple of times - just to make sure I've not done something 
wrong, and to teach it a lesson too!!

This repeated sending seems to annoy the antispam software on the site and it 
triggers a clamp on my IP address. This is rather embarrassing, as part of my 
daily routine is banning spammers who have managed to get onto the site, so for 
me to be banned is a tad ... awkward. 

The site owner is resolving my banning, but it has got me wondering whether 
there is something in the pasted text from TextWrangler that is triggering this 
problem. I can understand the repeated attempts to post will trigger a clamp on 
the IP address, that's a secondary issue that with self control will resolve.   
It's also not a matter of the post being too long. 

Is it a matter of the forum software being old. I don't seem to have the same 
problem with other forums I participate in and assume I do the same thing with 
those forums too. 

Is there something about line breaks, that's all I can think of, that might 
cause the forum to reject my posting?

Or are in fact there still artefacts in a plain text file that might be causing 
problems, things we cannot see?

What line break settings should I be using in TextWrangler to make sure it 
won't trigger a problem on a non-Mac forum software?  Are there settings in 
vBulletin that I can pass onto the forum owner that will make it easier for Mac 



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