G'day all.

I asked a question at the meeting this evening which stumped the experts. So 
when I got home I tried google followed by an experiment and this is what 

First off, I located some odd document files on my "Macintosh HD". The names 
consisted of a combination of '%' letters and numbers. For example the shortest 
file name was %A5 whilst the longest was 

When opening using TextEdit, there was a whole series of various operations 
that appeared to have been logged. They all appeared to be repeats of this:

"kernel size      =     5 (range 3..15)
volume thresh    = 5.0000
t1               =    15
gray step        = 256.00
gray diff thresh = 3840.0000
resolution       =   200
scale            =   100
effective res    =   200

Tdustnscratch: level = 2
Tdustnscratch:                     start time:  Mon Sep 19 19:52:48 2011
Tdustnscratch:                   begin detect:  Mon Sep 19 19:52:48 2011
Tdustnscratch:        begin applyMedianFilter:  Mon Sep 19 19:52:48 2011
Tdustnscratch:                     end detect:  Mon Sep 19 19:52:48 2011
Tdustnscratch:              begin reconstruct:  Mon Sep 19 19:52:48 2011"

Only the dates were different.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I found information in Apple Support 
Communities whereby it appears to be related to my HP all-in-one 
scanner/printer. <https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2337802?start=0&tstart=0>

So I did a little experiment. I trashed the files and then scanned a couple of 
book covers for my Bento library as I usually do. Lo and behold, a new file 
named "%FF%FF%8B," appeared on the "Macintosh HD".

The only 'problem' left is that the file was created 20 minutes ago but, even 
though I have shut down HP Scan and turned the scanner off, the file still 
says" Fetching..." in the Last Opened area of the preview (I'm using columns in 
Finder) and TextEdit won't open it. I've replaced all the trashed files but 
that didn't help so I've trashed 'em all again and the new file is still 
fetching... - 25 minutes now.

So I've trashed it too and now it's no longer fetching!!!!!!

I am no longer worried about the files.

So that's me happy now and off to bed.

Cheers all,

Pete Smith

iMac 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
750GB Hdrive OS X 10.6.8

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