On 10/12/2011, at 11:28 AM, Lloyd White wrote:

> On 9/12/11 1:34 PM, "Ronda Brown" <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>> On 08/12/2011, at 5:26 PM, Lloyd White wrote:
>>> I am trying to do a multiple file conversion with a folder of JPG files
>>> but the files are not recognised.
>>> Individual photos are opened by Elements but when I browse to the source
>>> folder all the photos are greyed out.
>>> I have done this before without problems and can't see any preference to
>>> change to fix this.
>>> Any ideas wold be appreciated.
>>> iMac OS 10.7.2
>>> Thanks
>>> Lloyd 
>> Hi Lloyd,
>> I have Photoshop Elements 9 but I¹m sure PSE8 was the same.
>> The files always Œappear¹ greyed out in the folders.
>> This is how I Process Multiply Files in PSE 9
>> Open PSE:
>> 1. File > Process Multiply Files
>> 2. Process Files from: Folder
>> Source: Browse - select the Folder of images
>> Yes, they appear Œgreyed out¹, but that is no problem, click ³Choose"
>> Destination: choose a folder
>> Make what adjustments/conversion etc you want
>> 3. Click  ³OK²
>> 4. The Conversion commences and eventually the process completes and your
>> Œconverted files' are in the 'destination folder'.
>> I just did a test to make sure it still works as I have not done any
>> multiple file conversion for some timeŠ and yes it works perfectly.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> Thanks Ronnie,
>> That is the way I normally do it too.
>> But now when I browse to the folder I want I can see the greyed out
>> photos there, but when I click on Choose the message comes back saying
>> "The source folder you have chosen is empty".
>> If I ignore that and select a destination folder and click OK  it comes
>> saying "You must choose a source folder".
>> But I can open each individual through the Open process.

Hi Lloyd,

Does this message happen only for this precise folder and you don't get it in 
other folders with JPG images?

Did you try creating another source folder ?

Are you trying to write the new images to the same folder as the old images (in 
other words, over-write the old images)?
Are you sure you haven't somehow (accidentally?) made these images write-only? 
Are you sure you have permission to write to this folder?

What I would suggest you try is: 
1. Create an New Folder on the desktop, give it a short name (not a long name)
2. Duplicate the images and place them in the New Folder on the Desktop.
3. Create another folder on the Desktop also with a fairly short name
4. Open PSE 
5. Go through the "Process Multiply Files” again.

Let me know if the Conversion Process now works please.


17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD

OS X 10.7.2 Lion
Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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