Hi 'Muggers,

Another gaming company has dropped support for Android. I am not a gamer myself 
but one of my projects, children's phonics educational software for the iPad, 
includes a few interactive games. I have put the case to the client that an 
Android version would require more outlay than could be recuperated -- this 
position is becoming more general it seems. Google is trying to unify the 
Android base with its purchase of Motorola. It remains to be seen how well they 

The quote below is from the news aggregator site slashdot.org:

"Battleheart's creator Mika Mobile in an update explained that it was dropping 
Android support. Google's platform was losing money for the company, since it 
spent about 20 percent of its time supporting the platform but only ever made 
five percent or less of the company's revenue. Much of the effort was spent on 
issues specific to Android, where the diversity was only creating problems 
rather than helping. 'I would have preferred spending that time on more content 
for you, but instead I was thanklessly modifying shaders and texture formats to 
work on different GPUs, or pushing out patches to support new devices without 
crashing, or walking someone through how to fix an installation that wouldn't 
go through,' one half of the husband and wife duo said. 'We spent thousands on 
various test hardware. These are the unsung necessities of offering our apps on 

here's the embedded link:

And this is an excerpt from the article linked:

> The statements are most suited to game development rather than general apps, 
> but do reflect ahesitance from major developers to support Android for 
> gaming. While Apple's iOS has a narrow spread of hardware, this and an 
> emphasis on high-end graphics has given developers a consistent and more 
> easily optimized platform to support.

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