That was a lucky weekend wander, Neil!  
Enjoy the rain!

On 15/05/2012, at 2:56 PM, Neil Houghton wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was wandering through Officeworks (Albany) this weekend when I saw they
> had a 1TB time capsule on clearance, marked down to $160. I realised that
> this was not the current model but it seemed like a good deal - which got
> even better when they scanned it and it came up as $100!
> So now I am just weighing up options as to how best to use it:
> Network set-up
> My current network comprises:
> Billion BiPAC 7402VGP ADSL modem with wired/wireless router and VOIP – This
> handles VOIP phones and an ethernet connected iMac. It also is the DHCP
> server. However, I do not use it for wireless networking.
> An Airport Express, connected by ethernet to the Billion and set-up in
> bridge mode to provide a wireless network to which 2 other iMacs and a
> Macbook Pro connect (though very rarely at the same time). This is an older
> model, purchased November 2007, Model # M9470X/A – so it only has single
> band wireless.
> My new Time capsule is Model A1355 - which I gather is the 4th generation
> 2010 model – Since it allows simultaneous dual band networks and better wifi
> performance/range to the earlier Airport, I’m presuming my best option will
> be to set this up to create the wireless network and then re-configure the
> Airport Express to just extend the wireless network?
> The other thing I need to decide is how to set-up the DHCP server – I
> originally had the Airport Express setup in bridge mode because I was using
> the ethernet networking on the Billion for an adjacent iMac – and I wanted
> all the machines to see each other on the same network. If I wished to
> continue like this then I would, presumably, also set-up the time capsule in
> bridge mode. However it is probable that I will have the time capsule in
> close proximity to both the Billion modem and the ethernet wired iMac – So,
> I guess, my other option would be to just have the Time capsule connected to
> the Billion, use the Time capsule to handle DHCP and plug the iMac into one
> of the TC ethernet ports.
> My gut feeling tells me that this might be better – but what would be the
> pros/cons of these two approaches?
> Best use of the TC hard drive
> I realise that Apple market this to act as the Time machine drive for one or
> more computers – However, at present, I already have 2 separate 1tb USB
> desktop drives for TM backup of mine & Georgie’s iMacs and a 1TB portable
> drive for TM backup of the laptop. The third (ethernet connected) iMac is an
> old 15* G4 model just used for music playing and casual internet browsing
> when we are away from our main computers – I don’t heed to back it up – I
> just love the lampshade look and I’m happy it still plays tunes ;o)
> (By the way, Ronni, I also have my firewire bootable clones but that’s not
> directly relevant to my deliberations here)
> I seems to me that to try and use the 1TB TC as TM backup for three machines
> would be very limiting and a backward step. I suppose I could use it as TM
> back-up for ONE of the machines and free-up a 1TG external drive for other
> uses, or I suppose I could attach a USB hub to the TC and attach all my
> existing TM USB drives to that – but I’m not sure if that would offer any
> advantages? Plus I would expect that might result in slower speeds that the
> current direct USB connection.
> I am wondering if I might not be better keeping my existing TM regimes and
> using the TC disk just as general NAS storage for the house. What I would
> REALLY like is just to have it as a music/video storage directly feeding my
> ATV2 – but I’m pretty sure that can’t be done, right? I need to have a
> computer running somewhere with iTunes running at all times?
> If I use it a general storage, can I set it up with different storage areas
> accessible to different users as well as some storage available to all users
> (I’m not talking about the guest accounts here just different user accounts)
> if so, is it best to partition the TC disc or just keep one partition and
> work with different user folders? I guess if I wished to allocate a given
> space to different users I would need to create an appropriately sized
> partition?
> Connecting additional USB drives to the TC
> So I know I can plug an additional USB drive into the TC – or a USB hub and
> then more than one USB drive. Functionally is there any difference between
> the usage of an external TC drive to the internal TC drive – is it much
> slower – do they all look the same to a network attached mac?
> Also, how does shut/down sleep work – I see that the TC doesn’t have an
> on/off switch, so I assume that it just sleeps and wakes as required – does
> that extend to any attached drives – do the sleep/wake when the internal
> drive does, if so, does that work with any drive or just some models?
> OK, I know that’s lots of questions ;o)
> I’m happy enough following Apple instructions on set-up and finding info on
> how to address specific set-ups – what I’m hoping for is feedback/experience
> on the pros & cons of different approaches/ set-ups since I can see I can
> set this up in different ways that ALL work – but some may not be the best
> solution for me.
> Hope that makes sense ;o)
> Cheers
> Neil
> -- 
> Neil R. Houghton
> Albany, Western Australia
> Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
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