Hi Ronnie

We will try ColorSync, we did as suggested using Preview but it  
doubled the file size??


On 26/06/2012, at 2:48 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

> Hi again Clive,
> I forgot about using ColorSync Utility. If Preview does not reduce  
> the PDF enough try ColorSync Utility.
> I remember using it a long time ago and it did significantly reduce  
> the size of a PDF file.
> "ColorSync Utility.app" From finder select the "Go" menu, and  
> select Utilities.
> In this folder you will find the ColorSync application.
> 1. Open ColorSync.app
> 2. Go to the File menu and select open. Find the pdf file you want  
> to shrink and select it.
> 3. You will see the first page of the pdf file in a 'preview  
> window', and at the bottom of the window you will find a drop down  
> menu with "Filter" by the side of it.
> 4. Use the drop down menu to select "Reduce File Size", and then  
> click "Apply".
> 5. You can then close and save the document, which will now be a  
> smaller size.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> On 26/06/2012, at 2:26 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>> Hi Clive,
>> Just adding to Carlo's comments.
>> Open the PDF in Preview and then save it (as a PDF) again; the  
>> resulting file will usually be significantly smaller than the  
>> original with no difference in quality.
>> Preview Save dialog includes, in the Quartz Filter pop-up menu, a  
>> Reduce File Size option.
>> However, this option uses compression, so it reduces the quality  
>> of images and text in the resulting PDF.
>> If you simply re-save a PDF, without this option, no compression  
>> occurs.
>> How does this work if Preview isn’t actually compressing images?
>> The program is simply using OS X’s built-in PDF-processing  
>> features to strip PDF files of all the unnecessary bits: preview  
>> images, metadata, and the like.
>> This feature is especially useful for PDFs created in Adobe  
>> Illustrator and InDesign, which tend to be unnecessarily large  
>> because of program-specific components and other non-vital data  
>> these applications save inside each PDF.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> On 26/06/2012, at 2:12 PM, cm wrote:
>>> Hi Clive,
>>> The effectiveness of compression of a PDF will vary wildly  
>>> depending on the content. Large PDF files normally contain a  
>>> large number of images or a few very large images. If you have  
>>> access to the source of the PDF you can choose to compress the  
>>> images at a lower resolution and thus cut down on the size  
>>> dramatically. You can also purchase tools which will compress the  
>>> images in a PDF even if you do not have the original source  
>>> document.
>>> Regards,
>>> Carlo
>>> On 26/06/2012, at 14:05 , Clive Slater wrote:
>>>> Hi  Carl
>>>> A .pdf
>>>> Clive
>>>> On 26/06/2012, at 2:00 PM, cm wrote:
>>>>> Hi Clive,
>>>>> Compression works principally by finding patterns of repeated bits
>>>>> and replacing them with an copy of the pattern and a count of how
>>>>> many times the pattern is repeated. So a file with a lot of spaces
>>>>> in it, or an mp4 video with large areas of the screen all the same
>>>>> colour will compress down very nicely. However, if the file you  
>>>>> are
>>>>> trying to compress contains little repetition such as an  
>>>>> executable
>>>>> program file, then you will get very little compression.
>>>>> What was the file you were trying to compress?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Carlo
>>>>> On 26/06/2012, at 13:55 , Clive Slater wrote:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> OSX 10.4.11 g4,
>>>>>> Trying to compress a 37mb file using archive does not compress  
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> file , turns it into a .zip but the file size is the same  
>>>>>> size. What
>>>>>> am I missing.
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Clive
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