On 06/09/2012, at 9:29 PM, Stephen Chape <chap...@bigpond.com> wrote:

> I tried emailing 2 attachments to myself (in one email).
> Although one is embedded and one is not, they are both available as 
> attachments.
> That is when I received them, if I click the little arrow at the top left of 
> the email, they are both there as file attachments.
> So either that issue is somehow related to MS Windows or some Windows 
> receivers don't know how to use their email correctly (in relation to 
> attachments).
> Regards,
> Stephen Chape

Yes, how emails are received is entirely up to the receiving email client. If 
you send a nicely formatted HTML email and your recipient has HTML turned off 
in their client, all they will see is the raw HTML code of your message. If you 
embed an attachment, and their client does not handle embedded attachments 
(which in my experience is pretty much any Windows email client) then they 
won't be able to deal with what you have sent them. It's not necessarily user 
error (apart from the fact that they're using Windows). There's just not much 
they can do about it apart from blaming you for using a Mac. Just take pity on 
them and put your attachments at the end of your message. Or send them a movie 
clip showing them how easy it all is on a Mac   :-)

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 046 948
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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