Hi Kevin and Mac.

As Daniel said, there should be a sign near the roundabout pointing where we 
are. Daniel's instructions are pretty well on the money. However, if you go to 
the website and clink on the link "Heathcote Barbecue Spot" in the notice, a 
pretty good overhead photo of Heathcote will open and there is an arrow 
pointing to where we shall be. The picture is virtually self explanatory as it 
shows the parking area, roundabout and path leading off to the right.

Hope it helps.

The esky should be at the head of the arrow.

See you there hopefully.


Pete Smith

On 03/12/2012, at 23:04 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:

> I can't make the BBQ this year, but I know last year (and possibly the year 
> before) there is a sign on a post that was made up that says "WAMUG". on it.
> It tends to be in the same spot (luckily) the last few times, and all going 
> well should be the same.
> I may have my bearing off (and apologies if I do), and someone hopefully will 
> correct it, but I would explain as
> if you are facing towards the building, it is on the right hand side, more 
> towards looking out towards South Perth. (And it sort of is at the top of a 
> hill,..you can look out and see the "slide down".
> It's also kinda near a platform that you go to and look out towards the water 
> and building of Perth.
> But all more on the right hand side of things.
> Not sure if that helps, and again apologies if I'm leading you down the 
> garden path. Hopefully someone can explain it a bit better then my poor 
> navigation. lol.
> Kind regards
> Daniel
> ---
> Daniel Kerr
> MacWizardry
> Phone: 0414 795 960
> Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
> Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
> **For everything Apple**
> On 03/12/2012, at 10:43 PM, Malcolm McCallum <doc...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>> We need a Wamug flag :--)
>> Mac
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On 03/12/2012, at 7:34 PM, Kevin Lock <kal...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>> Not being a regular at the Xmas show I have been twice to Heathcote and 
>>> not found the WAMUG group.  Maybe a sign would help me?
>>> Kevin
>>> On 4/12/12 1:14 AM, WAMUG Announcement wrote:
>>>> G'day again all WAMUGGERS.
>>>> Just another reminder: don't forget to plug this into your iCal or 
>>>> Calendar if you haven't already done it.
>>>> The Annual WAMUG Christmas Barbecue will be held at 12:00 noon on Sunday, 
>>>> 9th December 2012 in the grounds of the old Heathcote Hospital, Applecross.
>>>> Click the following link to locate the venue in Google Maps:
>>>> <http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=heathcote+hospital+applecross&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=63.276794,93.164063&ie=UTF8&ll=-32.006366,115.848513&spn=0.015121,0.022745&z=16>
>>>> Streetsmart map ref: 402 D4
>>>> Or go to our website [<http://www.wamug.org.au/whats-happening/>] where 
>>>> there are detailed instructions on where we will be and you can download 
>>>> closeup maps of where we'll be too. I'll tell you, it was hard work 
>>>> getting those arrows painted on the ground for the photos!!!
>>>> All offers of help with the preparation will be most welcome.
>>>> All meat, condiments and soft drinks will be provided, but please let us 
>>>> know by Friday, 7 December if you intend to come along so we can get an 
>>>> idea of numbers. This will help immensely in estimating quantities. Entry 
>>>> is free to all WAMUG members, but a gold-coin donation by non-members 
>>>> would be welcome.
>>>> Regards and hopefully see you there,
>>>> Pete Smith on behalf of the WAMUG Committee
>>>> -------------- next part --------------
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> Archives - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/archives.shtml>
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