Hi Jennifer,

Without knowing how you transferred all your data and settings from the old Mac 
to new iMac?
Or what OS X version was on the old computer and now on the new iMac, it is 
hard to answer your question.

When you first connected your Time Machine backup to the new iMac you would 
have been asked  do you want to create a new backup, inherit backup, or Reuse 
Backup. Depending on what OS X you were using for the TM backups prior to the 
new iMac

If you choose Inherit Backup (or Reuse Backup), Time Machine will "add on" to 
the existing set of backups. 


Sent from Ronni's iPad4

On 26/12/2012, at 5:46 PM, Jennifer Lefroy <lefroy.jenni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> When I was having trouble with screen freezing (Solved by a lovely new
> iMac), I was advised to remove all externals.  I disconnected my external
> Time Machine back up drive except for periodic back ups.  Now I cannot
> access emails on time machine before the new computer installed (the date
> bars are dim), but seem able to get desk top, documents etc.  Any
> suggestions about whaT I should do ?
> Belated Christmas greetings to everyone.
> Jennifer
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