I cannot believe after all the warnings we have given on WAMUG Mailing list, 
that members are still installing MacKeeper. We do the research, we advise 
members, if members don't take notice of that advice... Well... Sometimes I 
wonder why I bother to give support.

If you don't believe what I have said about this malware, perhaps you should 
read these articles below.
MacKeeper has been described by various sources as highly invasive malware* 
that can de-stablize your operating system, adding that it is unethically 
marketed, with a history of making false advertising claims, by a company 
called Zeobit and a rip-off.

Further opinion on it and how to uninstall MacKeeper malware can be read here:
MacKeeper have recently said that the uninstaller from here:
now works.
This is also worth reading:


Sent from Ronni's iPad4

On 06/01/2013, at 7:35 PM, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:

> Hi Ken,
> How many times have I posted to WAMUG about the dangers of installing and 
> using MacKeeper??
> MacKeeper is awful. It's been described as "junkware" and is known to cause 
> all sorts of problems. 
> The best I can advise you is to completely remove it from your machine. 
> You may have to live with whatever data loss it caused.
> Hopefully you've been making backups with Time Machine or another program and 
> can recover your data that way.
> This email to WAMUG I posted back in May 2011:
> /Begin Quote:
> Hi Brian,
> Have recently installed MacKeeper and let it do its 'magic' but no other 
> major changes.
> Do its ‘magic’ … ?
> Only recently I had to charge a Client $700 after I had to fix ’The Mess’ 
> MacKeeper had done to his MacBook Pro.
> What you have mentioned below were some of the symptoms he was experiencing 
> before the MBP virtually stopped completely.
> This Application changes System files and messes with the Operating System,  
> without your knowing.
> I know it is advertised & recommended all over the Internet, but I would 
> never recommend installing this Application.
> I don’t like Applications that mess with the Operating System.
> I’ve seen what damage MacKeeper can and does do and how difficult it is to 
> uninstall all the associated files it leaves all over the place even after 
> you ’think’ it is uninstalled.
> When they open their library, they will see around 50 folders; within these 
> are the files  MacKeeper left over on their computer.
> Some of the files I’ve found still on people’s computers after they 
> ‘uninstalled’ MacKeeper were:
> /Library/Application Support/MacKeeper
> /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.zeobit.MacKeeper.plugin.AntiTheft.daemon
> /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.zeobit.MacKeeper.AntiVirus
> ~/Library/Preferences/com.zeobit.MacKeeper.plist
> ~/Library/Preference/com.zeobit.MacKeeper.Helper.plist
> ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.zeobit.MacKeeper.Helper
> ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.zeobit.MacKeeper.plugin.Backup.agent
> ~/Library/Caches/com.zeobit.MacKeeper
> I’ve known of instances where people have had to do a complete restore after 
> trying to delete MacKeeper.
> It does need to be uninstalled correctly to get rid of all the associated 
> files.
> There is an uninstaller now with the latest version and their support say 
> that it totally removes all the components of the App.
> /Quote:
> "So to remove the app one should just move it to the trash, fill in the 
> survey form containing the question about what's the reason of your desire to 
> uninstall MacKeeper, and finally press 'uninstall' button - that will totally 
> remove all the components of the app.”
> /End Quote:
> I used this uninstaller once and still found some associated MacKeeper 
> ‘components’ (associated files) in /Library and ~/Library
> as I mentioned above which needed to be manually trashed.
> I would suggest you get rid of MacKeeper completely, do a “Repair 
> Permissions” after.
> I would also, boot from the Snow Leopard Installation disk & use Disk Utility 
> (on the Installer Disc) to ‘Repair Disk’.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> /End Quote
> On 05/01/2013, at 3:19 PM, Ken Jackson <kenjackson7...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> a huge shock when going to the tutorial pages for MacKeeper..they're
>> infected!!!
>> Gefendok.org is a malware producer apparently. Proceed with caution if
>> you're using MacKeeper.
>> Best,
>> *
>> Ken Jackson
>> *
>> k...@littleriverstudios.com.au
>>          kenjackson7...@gmail.com
>> T 08 9376 1680
>> M 0450 400 772
>> Skype kennyj1098
>> www.littleriverstudios.com.au
>> *
>> http://www.facebook.com/pages/Perth-Australia/Little-River-Studios/129893967035394
>> *
>> *Say NO to spammers & remove mine & others email address when you forward 
>> **and
>> use BCC.!*
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