Hi Bill,

Forgot to give you the link for how to delete the Login Keychain, and also for 
Reset Administrator Account Password.
Reply in Situ below:

On 20/01/2013, at 3:53 PM, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:

> Hi Bill,
> If your machine has just one administrator account (the original one), you 
> can reset its password as follows:
>       • Put your Mac OS X Install CD or DVD in your optical drive and restart 
> with the C key held down (to boot from the optical disc).
>       • Click through the language selection screen. Then choose Utilities > 
> Reset Password.
>       • Select your usual startup disk. Then, from the pop-up menu below the 
> volume list, choose the user whose password you want to reset. (Do not choose 
> “System Administrator (root),” which represents an entirely different 
> account!) 
>       • Enter (and repeat) a new password, and optionally enter a hint. Click 
> Save, and then click OK. 
>       • Choose Reset Password > Quit and then Installer > Quit Installer. 
> Click the Reset button to restart from the hard disk. 
>       • Once you’ve done this, you’ll still be prompted to enter a password 
> for your login keychain.  If that password was the same as your login 
> password—meaning it too is forgotten—you’ll have to delete that keychain, 
> make a new one, and set that keychain as the default.

Mac OS X 10.6: Deleting a keychain

If your keychain has become inaccessible for some reason (for example, if 
you’ve forgotten the password), you can delete it and create a new keychain.

To delete a keychain:
        • Open Keychain Access, located in the Utilities folder in the 
Applications folder.
        • If keychains are hidden, choose View > Show Keychains.
        • Select a keychain in the Keychains list.
        • Choose File > Delete Keychain (keychain name).
        • If you want to delete the files related to this keychain click Delete 
References and Files, otherwise click Delete References.
If you remember your password later, you can recover the items stored in the 
keychain by choosing Edit > Keychain List and adding the keychain file.


> I will not be back on WAMUG probably until Wednesday, as I will be working. 
> If you need more assistance other members should be able to help you.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> On 20/01/2013, at 2:24 PM, Bill Parker <ren...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>> How embarrassing.  I changed my admin password this am, and now I am locked 
>> out.  Started up with Installer disk for S/Leopard.  hence able to write 
>> this.  Looks like I mis-keyed the password?  And then repeated.   But now I 
>> cannot repeat the "mistake".
>> I can see all my icons, I have Time Machine backups.
>> I am on 10.7.5 MBP 15".  There is no Master Password.
>> Looks like I mis-keyed the password?
>> Any help welcome….
>> Bill

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