The time is fast approaching for our annual general meeting (AGM) which is held 
in conjunction with the March monthly meeting each year. This year's AGM will 
be held in conjunction with the monthly meeting at the FutureSphere. Three 
special resolutions in regards to the constitution and the possible name change 
will also be put to vote at the meeting.

At this year's AGM, the Committee, as usual and as required, will stand down 
and the meeting will elect a new committee for 2013.

NOMINATIONS for the Committee

We are calling for nominations for the committee. Please consider standing for 
the committee to assist WAMUG. The committee is a totally voluntary group that 
is always looking for some fresh views and ideas. Whilst committee meetings are 
held every month, you may not be able to attend every one. Please don't let 
this stand in your way. Even if you can only attend a few throughout the year, 
please consider becoming a member. There is a committee email group that keeps 
all connected as well.

The committee must have a minimum of five members to function under the 
constitution. We currently just have that minimum five members. At this stage, 
most of the current committee have stated a willingness to stand again but we 
ask for your help to keep the committee functioning well.

Please consider it.

If you are going to be at the meeting, you can nominate on the night. If you 
can't attend the AGM but would like to nominate to stand for the committee, 
simply email me off list with your details and I will nominate you on the 
night. (I couldn't the email address I was hoping to work - drats)

Special Resolutions - name change and constitution amendments

There will be three special resolutions put at the AGM dealing with the 
previously discussed change of name of WAMUG plus some amendments recommended 
by the Department of Commerce to comply with statute law.

These special resolutions are on the website along with a proxy voting form. 
The proxy voting form is a PDf form that you download and complete online and 
then attach to an email to send. The return address is on the website and the 
proxy voting form.

I encourage all and sundry to vote and record your say.

Another email will be sent out shortly with details of the previous discussions 
this list has had in respect to the proposed name change.

(Details are subject to change without notice)

Location: FutureSphere, Level 1 Building L;  Christ Church Grammar School, 
Queenslea Drive Claremont.
Time:   7.00pm - 9.00pm
Cost: $5

<http://www.ccgs.wa.edu.au/atccgs/important-files-store/map-web2010-2.png> to 
view a detailed map.
The FutureSphere is building L in the middle along Queenslea Drive [Grid ref: 
Streetsmart map ref: 371 A 10 (Queenslea Drive comes off Stirling Hwy and is 
opposite Stirling Rd. The school is next to Bethesda Hospital.)

See you there.

Pete Smith

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