
As I am going overseas, would you please remove me from your e-mail list.  The 
information your organisation presents is great.

I wish you all the best

On 06/03/2013, at 11:08 PM, WAMUG no reply <nore...@wamug.org.au> wrote:

> G’day all WAMUGGERs
> Sadly, last night’s AGM was a non-event. We required a minimum of 13 
> financial members to have a quorum but, alas, we did not meet that target. 
> Admittedly, parking was horrendous last night although there was parking in 
> the area just off Stirling Highway which we found.
> Consequently, under the constitution the meeting currently stands adjourned 
> until 7 days hence (next Tuesday 12 March 2013) at the same place and time. 
> At that meeting, we can proceed with whoever turns up, quorum or not.
> It will be a relatively quick AGM. The committee will stand aside and a new 
> committee elected (still looking for nominations!!) and the special 
> resolutions put to the meeting, discussed if required/wanted and then put to 
> the vote. Unless unexpected general business comes up on the night, that is 
> all there will be.
> As far as the voting for the special resolutions are concerned, the proxy 
> votes already received will be held over until the AGM resumes next week. 
> However, with the AGM adjourned the time to lodge proxy votes can also be 
> extended until 12pm next Tuesday so if you missed out on being able to send a 
> proxy vote, you have a ‘second chance’.
> The monthly meeting went ahead, though, with Peter H giving a lot us present 
> a far better understanding of iCloud and how it works.
> Regards...
> [Constitution extract 
> "5.4 Quorum 
> No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum of not 
> less than twenty per cent of the Ordinary Members on the Register or fifteen 
> Ordinary Members (whichever is less) is present at the Meeting. If within 
> half an hour from the time appointed for the Meeting a quorum is not present 
> the Meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day in the following week at 
> the same time and place, and at such adjourned Meeting the business of the 
> Meeting may be transacted whether there be a quorum present or not."]
> -------------- next part --------------
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